Chapter Twelve

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Lux, Ryker, Deacon, and Electra were restless in their cells as they heard the distant sounds of fighting from down the hallway. They heard Kaine yell a shout of triumph and he and Celestia raced down the hallway to the cell. Sage jumped in front of them from a side hallway and Lux reached forward, trying to yell out to Kaine to say he was on their side... but it was too late. Kaine whipped out his knife from under his crimson cloak and swiped it across Sage's chest, causing him to gasp in pain and fall to the ground. Celestia ran forward and slipped a bent pin into the cell lock, twisting it and unlocking the door. Lux raced out the door to Sage, holding him. She glared up at Kaine, furious.

"You idiot!" she screamed. "He was on our side and you've killed him!" She sniffed, holding back a sob. Kaine stood over them in shock.

He kneeled down, dropping his knife. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't know."

He stared into the emerald eyes of Sage, solemn. Sage blinked. Kaine stared. "Lux," he whispered. She shook her head.

"Leave me alone."

"Lux he's alive."

Her head whipped up. "What?" she leaned her head on his chest and heard a heartbeat. It was slow and weak, but still there. She picked him up and with surprising strength for her size, pulled him over to the wall and leaned him against it. Kaine stood over them awkwardly. Celestia walked up slowly behind them and grabbed his hand. Without realizing who it was, Kaine squeezed her hand. Celestia flushed a few shades darker and Deacon smirked, elbowing Electra. She pushed him, causing him to go flailing into the wall. Lux glanced up and glared at the two.

"This isn't the time to start flirting!"

Deacon got up, red in the face. "We weren't flirting!" he protested. "Ariel pushed me!"

Lux rolled her eyes. Everyone was silent. She looked up again. "What are we going to do?" she asked quietly.

Kaine was the first to speak up. "Lux, take Sage to a healer. Can you manage?"

Lux nodded. "I'm sure I can find someone."

"I know a healer that can help Sage," Celestia said. "Should I go with Lux to help find him?"

"No. I'm gonna need you here. I'll need all the help I can get. Deacon, Electra, I need you to-"

Ariel interrupted him. "Um, yeah, not Electra anymore. I'm Ariel."

Kaine looked at her indifferently. "I don't really care. You're still Electra."

"My name is not Electra, Kaine." Ariel said quietly.

Kaine shrugged. "It is to me."

"But that isn't my name." Ariel said again.

"But it is to me."

Ariel grew angry. "It doesn't matter what you think my name is, my real name is Ariel! I don't care that I was Electra for a lot of my life, I've been Ariel for more. I may not look like Ariel anymore, but the name Electra is a fake, given to me by Jet because he wanted to change my life until I was completely unrecognizable. So you either call me Ariel or get out of my life!"

Kaine stepped up to her. He was at least five inches taller than her and with his black hair over one eye, the dark glow coming from the covered eye, and his cloak billowing behind him dramatically, he made quite an intimidating person. Ariel stood up tall, her palms crackling with electricity.

Celestia spoke up quietly. "Guys, please... we don't have time to fight. Sage is dying and Jet is gonna be here soon."

Kaine's face lightened again as he backed away. "You're right." He shot a look at Ariel. "You and Deacon search for any other people locked up in here."

Ariel glared at him before taking Deacon's hand and storming off.

"Ryker, stand guard by the cave entrance. Make sure no one else shows up."

Reluctantly, he got up and headed for the entrance.

Celestia was still confused. "What about me? Where do I go?"

"We've someone to take care of," Kaine said with a smirk.

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