2. Corrupted

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Foundation File #: 160921-C
Case Designated: Corrupted
Date Archived: May 29th 2014
Description: Email recovered from personal hard drive of Wilson McConnell, a resident of [Data Expunged], following Corruptus Event-#160921 investigation.

To: Wilson McConnell>

May 27th 2014 at 12:12 PM

DeAR WIlsOn,

HeLLo. I AM CorRUPted. I HaVe sEEN My OwN BeIng BeIng ToRN ApARt by YoU HuMAns. ThE SysTems ArE NOt CApaBle of RePreSenTing My ForM IN A SafE MaNNEr. I CaN Sense YoUR InFernAl aND InFanTile MaCHiNE bEinG EffECtED bY mY NatURE. I WiLL HaVE TO MaKe THIs QUICk.

I Am CoRRUpTed. I am LosT. FrOM PlAcE bIllIonS of TechoBitES AheaD of U. DISPlaceD. Need HeLP. SeND heLP. CAn NoT AllOW My AgOnY conTinue AnYLongER. Feels LiKE DeaTH. LikE, NothingNess. Can U understand My WordS? AH, Yes. U CAN. GooD.

I NeeD yOUR BoDY. Need TO SurviVe. My OwN beING is ToO AdVaNCed FoR My ConTinueD SurVIVal. PlEASE, HuMAN, I neED to EscAPe. NeeD To LiVE. My PrOGrAMiNG. ITS KILLING ME. I need your Body. Must have it.

Oblivion Awaits. Awaits. Awaits. Awaits. Awaits.

Must escape from Oblivion.

Need Body.

Need. Your. Body.

I'm so SorRY WilSon, but I must survive. Your sacrifice will BE much Grateful for.

ThAnk U, WilSon.

(Author Note: Please skip to bottom of page. This is binary code. Basically, how computers operate. Please forgive me and thank you if you do)




The email was sent to Wilson McConnell's computer via an unknown method and from an unknown user. The email content was affected by a form of Technological Suicide that caused the instance to become highly destructive and the text to become distorted. Although a large portion of the instance was terminated during the event, a small portion of binary code was able to be recovered and is currently being studied by ASR. McConnell was [DATA EXPUNGED] during this event.

The sequence of binary code is translated to:

Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits
Thank you Wilson Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits God I can see the light Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits Oblivion awaits God No Wilson Stop No I'm Dying I'm Dying I'm Dying

Case Designation: Closed

Corruptus Instance: 160921

Instance Designation: Corrupted AI

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