12. The Voice of the Messenger (The Experiment #3)

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The Messenger Recording is a piece of audio that is highly significant in terms of history. The actual piece is relatively short and was highly controversial in realms of religion before The Reconstruction. Although originally declared classified by The Foundation, it was leaked to the public in 2045 by The New Church.

The piece was recorded by the Luma Satellite during its orbit around the extraterrestrial planet of Danis-77 sixty seven million lightyears from Earth. Luma was initially launched by NASA to gather information on the planet such as its atmospheric content. The launch took place on January 3rd 2010. Luma managed to reach the planet in almost two years without any problems and orbited it in relative safety for a total of five days. However, on October 8th 2012, the satellite was mysteriously destroyed after approaching an unknown object that was nearing it. The cameras on the satellite were capable of capturing a picture of the object which was suffering from too much distortion to be recognized.

However, the satellite was capable of recording an unknown sound before all communication was lost with it. The sound is similar to a male voice that is extremely loud in volume, with an echo like effect on it. The origin of the voice was apparently the object in question but it is unknown if the object was just projecting the sound. It must be noted that the nature of the sound itself is impossible seeing as there are no possible ways for sound to exist in space. It can be theorized that the voice was coming from some extraterrestrial being or creature that could exist and even thrive in space. Luckily, the sound was recorded on computers on the planet Earth, as NASA was capable of listening in on the voice. The transcription is below:

"I am the Messenger of all that will happen in due time. The dark will escape from its prison with your portal. Fear the future darkness, children, for you are next. Stars will die, universes will collapse, and you will be subjected to His rule. Watch out for He is coming."

It should be noted that this was recorded only two months before The Great Darkness.

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