10. The Experiment (#1)

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On December 19th through December 25th 2011, a team of scientists attempted to conduct an experiment dealing with the existence of multiple dimensions and the teleportation of a planet from the first dimension to the ninth. The team of scientists created a device that created a hole in the time space continuum and activated the device.

On December 20th 2011, the scientists reported sightings of unidentified black cloud like masses by staff. The device was experiencing high amounts of blackouts and the facility was also experiencing blackouts. The device was, however, not shut down due to an order by the government. The device stayed operational.

On December 21st 2011, the team of scientists were reporting high stages of dark matter exiting the portal. Most of the staff was also diagnosed with mental illness. The device was experiencing high amounts of blackouts that lasted long periods of time. The team were startled by the appearances of the masses outside of the facility. The final radio transmission from the facility was "Hello?! Hello?! This is Facility Five! The Masses Are Now Spreading Across The World! The Device Must Be Shut.." before the facility was mysteriously isolated from the outside world.

On December 22nd 2011, the facility was entered by military soldiers in full hazmat suits. The bodies of the scientists were found, drained of all fluids. The device was found to be fully operational and was shut down. However, the high doses of dark matter are still reported across the world. Many believe that the doses will cause some kind of disaster... On December 21st 2012.

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