Part 18:

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Homorphus- auses an Animagus or transfigured object to assume its normal shape.

Hocrux Curse- This spell allows a part of a wizard's soul to pass into an object, thereby making the object a Horcrux. One has to commit murder and take advantage of the soul's "splitting apart" by this supreme act of evil in order to be able to perform this spell, and it is probably very complex. In 1943, Horace Slughorn described the spell to a young Tom Riddle as encasing a portion of the torn soul and placing it within an object. The spell itself is described in detail in a banned book known as "Secret of the Darkest Art", which Hermione Granger summoned from Albus Dumbledore's office near the end of their sixth year. According to the text, use of this spell to separate the soul will make the remaining portion of the soul very fragile, and can only be reversed by "remorse" of the wrongs the creator had made; however, the pain caused by attempting to reverse the creation of a Horcrux can destroy the individual.
Seen/Mentioned: Used by Lord Voldemort while creating his Horcruxes.
Notes: When J.K.Rowling was asked about what the steps are to create a Horcrux Rowling declined to answer, saying that "some things are better left unsaid". However, in the Harry Potter Encyclopedia, it is explained, and the editor is said to have felt like vomiting after reading it.

Hot Air Charm- Causes wand to emit hot air.

Hover Charm- Causes the target to float in mid-air for a brief period of time.

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