Part 28:

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Prior Incantanto- Causes the echo (a shadow or image) of the last spell cast by a wand to emanate from it.

Protego (shield charm)- The Shield Charm causes minor to moderate jinxes, curses, and hexes to rebound upon the attacker, protecting the caster.

Protego Horribilis- A powerful shield charm against dark magic.

Protego Maxima- A powerful shield charm against dark magic. A stronger and bigger version of Protego, especially when combined with other wizards casting it at the same time. Was so powerful that it could also disintegrate people that came too close and tried to enter it.

Protego Totalum- asts a shield charm over a small area that will not let anything pass through, except for the Unforgivable Curses: Avada Kedavra, Imperio and Crucio.

Quietus (quietening charm)- Makes a magically magnified voice return to normal. A counter to Sonorus

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