Part 23:

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Locomotor Mortis (leg locker curse)- Locks the legs together, preventing the victim from moving the legs in any fashion.

Lumos- Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip, like a torch.
Lumos Duo- Creates an intense beam of light that projects from the wand's tip and can lock-on to various targets, turn hinkypunks solid and cause ghouls to retreat.
Lumos Maxima- Shoots a ball of light at the place pointed, if the Wand is swung.
Lumos Solem- Creates a powerful ray of light as bright as the sun.

Melofors (melofors jinx)- Encases the target's head in a pumpkin.

Meteolojinx Recanto- Presumably causes weather effects caused by jinxes to cease.

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