Part 32:

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Skurge- Cleans up ectoplasm, the slime-like residue left by certain ghosts. The spell manifests as a blast of greenish suds.

Slugulus Eructo (slug vomiting charm)- A jet of green light strikes the victim, who then vomits slugs for ten minutes. The sizes of the vomited slugs decrease with time.

Sonorus (amplifying charm)- Magnifies the spell caster's voice when one's wand is pointing to the side of the caster's neck.

Specialis Revelio- Apparently causes an object to show its hidden secrets or magical properties.

Steleus- A hex that causes the victim to sneeze for a short period of time. This spell is used in duelling to distract the opponent.

Stupefy (stunning spell)- Stuns victim. If used too forcefully, it will put the victim in an unconscious state.

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