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   The fear of everything. That seemed to describe Jason Shillings.

   He hated that he was scared of even his own shadows, but there was nothing he could do to change that. To everyone that knew him, Jason was the most cowardly person on the face of the planet.

   Thunk! There it was again, that noise. Jason looked over at the clock frightened. 11:36 yep there it was again. Like always it happened at this time. There was a crash, heavy breathing, and in the morning there would be a load of broken expensives in the house.

   Naturally Jason’s parents blamed him saying that if he would man up and lose his scaredy cat ways then he wouldn’t be suspected. The only problem was that it wasn’t Jason. Jason himself would go and check it out, but he was too scared to even get out of bed. Most days he was too scared to even pick up his tooth brush.

   The thunking continued and Jason felt fear creep into the pit of his stomach. Something bad was happening and Jason wasn’t going to investigate.

   ‘Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will go and see what’s happening.’ He thought. Jason naturally knew that he was lying to himself but it made Jason feel better. Slightly.

   Twenty minutes later the banging quit and all was silent. Feeling the huge overwhelming feeling of dread slowly lower he drifted off to sleep.

   “Jason!” A feminine voice screeched. Jason’s eyes rip open in terror. The one think he feared above all else was his mother’s wrath.

   Usually his father was up before his mother and would yell at him, but apparently today was her day to be early. Jason leapt up and then ran into the living room with dread deep in his gut.

   There his mother was, standing over the biggest mess of all. “Exactly what do you have against brake able things?”She roared.

   Jason felt himself pale as she advanced on him. Jason felt so scared that he was about to faint. Stumbling over to the couch, Jason sat down and began to hyperventilate.

   Immediately Jason’s father was to the rescue as he quickly calmed his wife down and put a bag in Jason’s hand.

   While Jason continued to hyperventilate into the bag his father began to clean up the mess. He muttered to himself about something unintelligible.

   Jason sighed as he shuffled back into his room. Three months of grounding for something that he didn’t even do. It scared him to think of what else was in store for tomorrow.

   ‘What a rotten day…”He sighed. He looked at his bed and felt somewhat frightened. ‘What if I fall asleep tonight and the thing kills me in my sleep? What if I suffocate? Or, or, what if I go in there and the thing kills me?’

   All of these thoughts fought in his head and Jason felt light headed again. He quickly but gingerly sat on the bed and laid back on his back and looked at the ceiling. This had to stop tonight or else Jason would have a nervous breakdown.

   It was that time again.

   The growling and shuffling around started once more and Jason felt a solid fist of fear sail into his stomach.

   Shakily getting up; Jason walked over to his door and grasped the flashlight that was next to his door. Swallowing the bitter taste of fright down his gullet he shuffled out into the hallway.

   It seemed to stretch and get longer as he tried to go down to the living room. However in a few moments there he was, feet away from whatever was breaking everything expensive in his house.

   He quietly walked into the room and watched in horror. Shadows were dancing like demons in Tartarus. There was laughing from nowhere it seemed and then right in the center was a hunched figure.

   Over his head was a pink bunny hood. Its skin looked like a rucksack and around its shoulders were chains looped so tightly that it looked like a shirt.  Jason gasped and the thing turned around. Its eyes were two large yellow buttons, it had huge black lines on its face that came down into sharp points it looked like. The mouth was stitched on and there were numerous scars on it.

   The thing stood up to its full height and Jason felt like he was shrinking. The beast must’ve been close to six or even seven feet tall on two feet.

   It stepped forward and motioned Jason towards it. Jason shook his head as his pantiphobia kicked in.

   Shirking back he cried out as the monster leapt toward him. Everything turned black.

   Jason’s eyes ripped open as he tore at the straps on his wrists and ankles. He was in a hospital gown and all around him the room was white.

   Suddenly the sound of squeaky hinges shattered the panicked silence. Two doctors strode forward, one in green scrubs and the other in pink scrubs.

   The one in green came forward and regarded Jason with a skeptical eye. “So Mr. Shillings. Tell me, does Ragdoll Garblesykes still exist?”He asked, his voice a deep calming base.

It pounded on Jason's ears and then Jason started screaming once again. As he had done for every day for five years. 

Random Stories and Stuff From Over the YearsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora