Catching Up

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   There we were standing upon a huge dreary slab of stone. Rain poured down on us in a mighty deluge. In my hands the means to kill, a gun. I had it pointed straight at his heart.

   Shaking, my hand was shaking as I held the deadly weapon.

   Tears poured from my eyes but you’d never be able to tell from the rain that dumped down around us.

   It would only be a matter of time until one of us were dead.

   “Why? Why would you do this? I thought that we were close to one another! I thought that we cared about each other!”He shouted at me. I could only smile bitterly at him.

   Oh how wrong he was. Well, maybe not entirely wrong. I knew that there was at one time a moment when we were friends. I remembered it well. We were students at a guild. He was always good at everything.

   I on the other hand always had to catch up.

   If he was good at archery, then I was ok at it.

   If he was good at swimming, then I would still have to use a floatation device.

   If he was good at music, then I was downright awful.

   So here we stood. One with a gun and the other at gun point. “At one point we were friends. Now, however, is a different story.” I said. He looked about two shades paler as I clicked the gun into the ready shooting position. “Shenzie… please…” He begged. However I’m deaf to his cries. I found that in the presence of the one you’re about to kill nothing matters. Not if you live, not if you die. The only thing that does matter is that they die. That’s the only thing.

   I then made the mistake of looking in his eyes. Those eyes… they were like streams of freshly melted frost. The fear he felt showed and I felt something deep down in me tug.

   I hissed and clutched my chest with my free hand.

   I hated this feeling and it would surely have to die just like he would. “I- I still don’t get it… What changed between us?” He asked.

   All I could do was laugh. What changed? I could’ve told him all of the things that changed. However that would take away from this entire experience. It would take away from the real reason that we were like this here.

   “What changed huh? Well did it ever occur to you that you’re too perfect for your own good? Did you once look back at me? Me who was always in your shadow! Always watching your back as you strode ahead all confident while I could do nothing! I could do nothing but watch, always watch… I’m tired of being in the shadows; I want to feel the light. It seems that the only way I can do that is if I get rid of you. You who shadows me.” I ranted.

   More tears ran from my eyes. I hated this whole situation; it was nothing but a bother. However I couldn’t back out now. Now was the time. I felt my body move on its own as the slippery barrel shot out the finishing blow. I looked in horror at what I’d done. However then I just howled and cried. Even now I was still catching up to him. Even now in his death I would have to catch up.

  I looked at Shenzie. How could I look away? In my chest was a gaping hole and my breath was taken away. I was used to the breathing though. Shenzie always took my breath away.

   However she apparently never knew. She never knew that I never could look away from her. Shenzie was my sun. She was my life. Seeing her saddened face made my heart rip in twain. However my time was up and I knew that. I could no longer feel the icy prick of the rain beating down on my body. I could no longer feel anything. I took one last look at Shenzie and felt regret. I thought that she knew. But she didn’t. She never knew. She never knew that I was always watching her. Always…

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