Ch. 1

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(Many years later)

The smell of bleach still clung to my clothes as Travis, the dude from across the hall, and I hauled in my couch. My apartment had been cleaned, designed, painted, and decorated in a matter of two days, and I was exhausted. All I really wanted to do was sleep, fall asleep right here on this comfy couch.

And that's what I did. As soon as Travis left, I kicked off my shoes and leaned back, taking in my new life. It seemed pretty sweet, the new apartment, the adulthood. All I had to do now was get signed in to a college.

My mom and her husband were currently helping me out with the rent until I got my first job. They wanted me to go straight to college, but I convinced them to let me take a year break from school, as long as I got a job of course.

My phone rang beside me, buzzing against the coffee table. I groaned, grabbing it and looking at the caller I.D. Grover looked up at me, in the middle of a sneeze as he was when I took the photo. I pressed Accept.

"Hey Perce!" Grover said. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and smiled.

"Hey, G-man. What's up?" I asked, sitting up.

"Jason, Nico, Will and I are 'hitting the town' tonight, quoting Will." He said, "We were wondering if you'd like to come, considering the fact that you're the only dude that's for his own place. We might need somewhere to crash tonight." We both laughed, and I took both hands off my phone, using my shoulder to keep it up to my ear as I stood.

"Sure, what time?" I asked.

"Eight good?"

"That's cool. I'll see you then." I hung up, glancing at my watch. It was three, just enough time to get in a good nap. I made my way towards my bedroom, crawling under the newly washed sheets, and completely knocking out.


I woke up at seven, my heart nearly dropping out of my chest. I'd been so exhausted from moving, I'd completely passed out the first chance I had. Now, I had to rush to eat and get ready.

I showered first, the hot water waking me up completely. I didn't bother brushing my hair, instead leaving it to air dry while I poured myself cereal and checked the time on my phone. It was barely 7:20.

That meant, of course, perhaps I wouldn't be late. I leaned back on my chair, leisurely taking bite after bite until the nasty cereal was gone. It was Cheerios, something my mom always made me eat, and I hated it. Sadly, it was the only option at the moment.

I ran my hand through my hair. It was still damp, but that never hurt anyone. I managed to throw on a tee shirt and jeans by the time it turned 7:40. Putting my shoes on, I hopped my way to the door.

Kneeling to tie the lace on my shoe, I didn't expect to hear the sound of footsteps barreling down the hallway. I looked up, standing quickly. Just as I thought I'd been imagining things, someone ran down the hallway.

It was a girl with curly blonde hair. She looked behind her and then barely missed plowing me down. I stumbled, grabbing her elbows as she almost caused me to fall.

"This your apartment?" She asked, looking over at my open door. I blinked, not even thinking as I nodded. The sound of rushed steps sounded through the hallway and the girl looked behind her again.

"Good." She pushed me backwards, causing me to stumble (I'm sure not very attractively) through my doorway. She followed quickly, a yell vibrating through the air as the footsteps picked up. She shut the door.

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