Chapter 7

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( Change in writing style, oop, I haven't updated this fanfic for a year and 8 months so... go along with it )

I'll be real with you guys, I just lost interest with this up until this point of my life which is 5/17/16 at 5:19 am and I got the biggest inspiration to continue this.

I hope you guys find this story still enjoyable. Enjoy!!

Song(s) I am listening to while writing this: Henrietta, Creeping Up The Backstairs by The Fratellis and Limelight By Boy in a band Feat. Cryaotic

(Y/N)= Your Name

(E/C)= Eye Color

(H/C)= Hair Color

(S/J)= Side Job ( Like an artist, voice actor, music composer ect. )

(J)= Job


Quite a few months have passed.

Actually almost two years have passed.

A year and 8 months. You were living in the same apartment complex and not much has changed, except for Dark living with you and taking over the empty room that used to be up for rent.

This man never missed a chance to mess with you. Mentally, Physically, and Sexually. You always refused, of course, but how long can you hold out? This weird miasma has consumed your insides thanks to him. He always reminds you that you're his, the deal, and the darkness inside you proved it. Dark would leave his marks all over your body but he never went any farther than touching and kissing, nothing to do with your sacred parts.

But besides the whole Dark situation, things were actually fantastic. He'd even leave the apartment sometimes to leave you to your own devices. Which let you get a better job to keep up with your rent, better hours, and actually catch up with YouTube videos and even subscribe to new upcoming popular Let's Player, Jacksepticeye, An Irish, cake loving, ball of positive energy.

You watched the Irish man as religiously as you would Markiplier. Sometimes Dark would catch you watching Jack and looked annoyed. You could tell he wasn't a fan for... Whatever reason. But you obviously didn't care and continued what you liked to do and watch.

You've also noticed that Dark has changed as well though, in appearance anyways. He looked like he had more scruff than he did over a year ago, like Mark, he hardly ever wears his glasses though. But no matter what, he always worn flannel or black shirts and tight jeans of the darker color variety. Also His hair color changed as Mark's did but in a darker tone.

Couldn't help the fact that he looked pretty handsome as of late, which made it hard to resist him. But you had willpower made of titanium. Plus, he does have his nice moments, nice meaning sucking up. To you anyways.

So, There you sat in front of your desk, watching some youtube videos that you were in need to catch up with, Mostly Jacksepticeye's, while you worked on commission for a customer.

Although things might be smooth sailing, you were always tired. That's sometimes thanks to Dark or you're overworking yourself. You liked to take on way too much than needed, even your roommate tells you to take a break.

" Ugh, I gotta finish this.. I can't keep them waiting forever." You groaned, staring at the screen in front of you with the unfinished product staring right back.

You were so close to finishing. Working as a (S/J) on the side of being a full time (J) was extremely tiring.

".. I'm so tired." You grumbled, pausing the video that you had playing on the side while you worked. Then you placed your elbows on the desk, resting your chin in both of your hands just as you released a soft sigh.

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