Meeting Love Me Memebers

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Lucy POV

I was speed walking away from the idiot known as Sho Fuwa when I bumped into a tall man. He had black hair and blueish-purple eyes.

"Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going. I was trying to get to the President's office and get away from an annoying pers-"

"Oi, ya stupid rabbit get back here!!"

The man looked confused by the rabbit comment until he looked at me again an saw my rabbit outfit.

"My manager loves dressing me up."

"Ohh, well let me show you to the President's office I'm sure Sho Fuwa-san will find it on his own since he has been here before."

"Okay, whats your name?"

"Ren, you?"


"Your that up and come singer/dancer/actress, right?"

"Thats me."

We had made it to the room before Sho and sat next to each other. We continued our conversation.

After a while a group of people came in and introduced themselves before Sho came in and saw me.

"There you are you stupid rabbit!"

"Who are you calling stupid, You idiotic playboy!"

"Oi, you starting a fight with me princess?!?!"

"So what if I am, ya wolf in sheeps clothing, you know i will win, just like last time and all the times before that!!"

"Why you-"

"Sho why are you arguing with this adorable bunny. She is a young girl show some decency!" yelled a orange haired girl.

"Im 18 years old, I'm pretty sure I'm older than you."

"Really!?!?" everyone in the room shouted except my manager and Sho.

"Yea this outfit doesn't prove it, you can thank my manager for that."

"But, your so adorable in it!!" said my manager.

"Okay?" I said.

Anyway after the meeting I met the two other people there. The orange haired girl was Kyoko. The black haired girl was Moko.

We hung out for a while before I found out that Sho and Kyoko were dating. To say I was shocked was an understatement. She had to explain to me what she saw in him and when I was filled in I was okay.

I got up and left after saying goodbye to Moko and Kyoko. On my way to the car Ren caught up to me and said he needed to talk to me.

"Sure what did you want?"

"I know this is sudden, but can you g-go on a d-date w-with me?"

I stood there for a minute to process what he just said.
Then I gave him my answer.

"Yes I will go on a date with you Ren."

He smiled at me before telling me that he will pick me up at 7:20 on Saturday since we are both off on that day, and seeing as how today was Thursday I think I will be too happy for Saturday.

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