Chapter 5

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Abby's POV
I am one of Mackenzie's close friends. I am in 7-4.

Today is the first day of rehearsals for our dance. I walk into the stock and chat with Meghan until Miss Jen and Miss Gabby come out of a studio and tell us to go into Studio b. They direct us to studio b. We all enter.

"First of all, you can just call me Jen..." said Jen.

"And me Gabby," said Gabby.

"Today, for the first half of our time, we are going to do a dance class, combining many different dance styles. Then, for the second half, we will do choreography for your dance. Find a spot on the floor," said Jen.

We warmed up. Gabby did a small portion of the warm up, but Jen did most of it.After warm up, we did across the floor.

"Alright, you can have a quick break, to get a drink of water, and then we are going to start the dance," Jen said.

We did just that. Later that day, I texted Mackenzie.

Me-I have a question. What's up with Gabby?

Her-What do you mean what's up with Gabby?

She barley spoke the whole class/rehearsal.

I think she was overwhelmed. She was really shy when I first met her, but then she warmed up to us(my ballet class). I'm sure it will be the same with us. I think it might take a little longer, though, because we are a bigger group.

Yeah, that's probaly it. Thanks. See you at school Monday.

See you at school.


School was different. We spent a lot more time on the computers, because then we could connect with Mme Harper. She would put things for us to do on a program called Google Classrooms, and we would work in Google Apps For Education.

We have teacher at school, Mme Bodhi. She just doesn't seem to understand our situation. She only teachers us one subject, so we don't see her that often, but it's hard having no one who understands how we feel. Older kids call us Frenchies in the hall, but they say it to make it very clear about it being teasing.

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