Chapter 6

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Mackenzie's POV
I'm in ballet class, and Maria, Meghan and I are trying really hard to stifle our laughter, because Bill is taking class with us. The only reason we find this so funny, is that he is in our school class. Before the duet rehearsals started, we would have never envisioned him as a dancer, let alone a ballet dancer.

Eventually, we finish class and Bill and I start rehearsing our duet. The story is loosely based off of a book called A Fleur de Peau, which means on edge. I'm the main female character and he is the main male character. We both love each other, but I'm too scared to admit it until it's too late. A little cliché, yes, but I still love it.


It's here. Today's the day. It's the day of the competition. It's Friday morning at 7:05am when my alarm goes off. I get up, get dressed in my dance jacket and my school sweat pants. I did my hair in a messy bun. I ate a quick breakfast before having Gabby pick me up. After a few more stops, we are on our way to Greenwood. In Gabby's van we have Gabby, me, Maria, Meghan, Abby, My friend Chloe, my friend Isabel and Bill. We drive to our hotel in Greenwood. We park, get there, and check in. I am in a room with Gabby, Jen, Maria and Meghan. We have a decent view. I start getting ready for my solo, because I dance my solo at 2pm. I put on my costume, a white dress, and then I put my dance sweater over it. I do my makeup , which is just normal stage makeup, and I do my hair half up half down.

"You look very pretty," Jen said when we meet up with her in the hall.

"Thanks," I said.

We go to the competition. Before going into the audition, we get a program. Then we did down in the audience until 5 dances before mine. Then myself and Gabby go backstage. I don't watch my competition. I warmed up.

"Please welcome to the stage, act number 62, Mackenzie with Lost Boy," said the announcer.

I walked onstage just a tiny bit. They started the music and I started my dance. When I got offstage, Gabby was smiling ear to ear.


It's the next day, and time for our duet. We get ready. Bill's costume looks like a tuxedo and I have a black dress. We are ready.

We go backstage.

"Please welcome to the stage, act 34, When we were young,".

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