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I get out of my now crumpled bed and walk over to the bathroom. I undress from yesterdays clothes and throw them in the laundry basket.

I climb into the shower and turn the hot water on. I wash my hair while the hot beads of water run over me.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me.

Walking back into my room, I put my school uniform on and grab my books left on my desk and put them in my bag.

I go downstairs and see Alfred in the kitchen making breakfast

"good morning master Bruce" Alfred says as I sit down at the table

"good morning"  I reply as he places a plate of waffles in front of me

"thank you Alfred"i say digging in

I walk into school,bag slung over my shoulder. I see Tommy over by our lockers and I walk over to him.

"hey Tommy" I say opening my locker

"hey bruce" he replys "hows the lover boy?"

"I dont like Selina" I say firmly taking out some books and pitting them in my bag.

"when ever did I say you liked Selina?" Tommy smirks

"well I dont like her" I say closing the locker.

"sure" he says "hows Selina?" he laughs

"ugh" I moan and walk off down the corridor

 "hey Bruce wait up" Tommy shouts rushing between people to catch up with me.

"can you stop talking about Selina?" I ask

"no fun" he moans

The bell signifying class rings and I walk off to class.

I take a seat and my place and get out my stuff.

"hey Bruce" the girl in front of Me says.

"hi?" I reply

"so tonight Im going to be busy and I was wondering if you could do my homework?" she asks


She smiles at me sweetly

"fine then" I say and the passes me the sheet.

A hand slams onto my table and I look up.


"your seriously going to do her homework?" she asks


 why can I never talk to her properly when Im around her.

"he doesnt want to do your homework, okay?" Selina says throwing Sophia the paper which she rolled into a ball.

I look up at Selina and she glares at me

Geez hostile much

The teach strolls into the room and begins the lesson.

I listen to her moan on about some math problem until the bell finally rings


I put my books into my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

Walking out the room and feel a slight tap on my shoulder.i quickly turn around to see Selina.

"h-hey" I mumble

"why?" she asks

"w-why what?"

"whys the sky blue?" she jokes

I give her a confused face.

"why were you going to do her homework?" she asks

"I dont know, Thats what people expect me to do" I say walking down the corridor

"because your a geek?" she asks

"thanks" I mumble

"you should do that for them its their responsibility" she states

"and you do your homework?"" I ask already knowing the answer

"of course not" she says almost proudly

"why?" I ask

"whats the point?" Selina says

"i-I dont really know" I say shyly

"well,see you around kid" she says walking out the door to the back field.its not lunch,we have lessons now.

"hey!" I call after her

"where are you going?" I ask running after her.

"somewhere" she says "shouldnt you be in class?"

"shouldnt you be too?" I say

"yeah" she simply replies

"then where are you going?" I ask

"hey kid" she says


"go back to school" she says walking quicker.

I stand still, watching her as she climbs over the fence and walks off down the road.

Loving can hurt Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang