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Joey's POV

"Look down and don't speak to anyone" I repeated over and over to myself.

I hated being the new kid and it didn't make it any better that I just transferred mid-year. The hallways were crowded and, frankly, I was getting nauseous having people practically sweating on me. Damn the lack of AC.

"Watch where you're going!"

I feel a shove on my shoulder and almost fall on the floor. A varsity player, just my luck. I catch the smirk on his face just as he turns around to walk away. I curse under my breath as he leaves. Maybe looking down wasn't such a good idea. As I try to find my first class, the hallways begin to clear. The bell rings reminding me that I'm late for my first period class. I feel someone place their hand on my shoulder and I immediately turn around. Fuck, he must be back.

"Don't you have some place to be."

I quickly catch the name on the metal tag placed on  the man's chest; Mr. Wilkens. I'm tempted to roll my eyes but I refrain. It's my first day for crying out loud. When Wilkens raises his eyebrows at me, I realize that I still have not answered his question. Talk Joey!

"I'm new. I just transferred here" I mumble.

Thank heavens the man has the decency to look embarassed.

"I'm the school's Dean, John Wilkens. Apologies, I thought you were one of the hallway roamers."

I take my schedule and hand it to Wilkens. With a quick look at the slip he turns the other way and walks straight ahead. I quickly follow him as he makes long strides to Room 207. He gives me a quick nod and flees. I knock the door quietly but the door remains shut on my face. I try again, harder this time. I hear shuffling inside and I'm greeted by a young woman with light brown eyes and blonde hair.

"Hola cómo estás. Soy la professor de español, ¿cuál es tu nombre" the lady speaks.

Bemused I can only reply with a loud "huh?"

I can hear the room roar into a uniform laughter. I can feel the back of my ears turn red and I run to the back of the room.  The teacher, obviously detecting my distress and lack of knowledge of the Spanish language, takes pit on my and places her finger on her mouth to silence the class.

"What's your name darling?"

"I'm, agh, called Joey...Ms...Ms"

"Leyson" the teacher says by a way of explanation.

"Please, introduce yourself to the class."

I can hear giggling as I make my away to the front, just great. In the front middle row I can see a dark hair boy barely containing his laughter; at my expense.

"Daniel!" Ms. Leyson scolds.

Daniel...I take a mental note of his name. As the class clams down I take this opportunity to study his features. Strong jaw, full lips and buffed chest. Daniel finally takes a good look at me and his laughter ceases. He sits upright paying close attention to me and I can feel my blood heat under his glare. I take a deep breath and introduce myself to the class.

"Um, hi. My name is Joey Graceffa and I just moved here from Boston with my mother and sister to live with my step-dad" I add.

The teacher let's me go back to seat in the back and I can feel Daniel's eyes follow me. I can't help but smile. As the teacher continues on with her lesson I take my notebook out and copy down the action verbs she written down on the board. Daniel doesn't turn around for the rest of the period and I don't know why but I feel a frisson of annoyance by it. When the bell rings I pack up my things and head to my next class. This time I manage to make my way to class on time.  Again, I take a seat in the back. I let out a sign of relief when the teacher starts her lesson. Daniel walks into the room just before the bell rings.  He walks to the front row but all seats are taken. The only other seat is in the back next to me. Daniel strides toward the empty seat and pauses when he realizes I'm in the adjacent seat.

"Hey new kid" he says.

I can't help but bite my lip.

"Hey" I squeak back.

Daniel gives me a shy smile and hits me against the shoulder.

"I'm Daniel" he says.

I nod my head. I already knew that.

"Nice to meet you" I say trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.

"I can tell" he chuckled. Daniel points down and I realize the tent that has formed in my jeans.

Mortified I place my sweater on my lap and focus on the black board in the front of the class. Maybe Daniel isn't straight. He didn't seem disgusted by the fact that I had a boner. I shouldn't get my hoped up though. When the bell rings Daniel hands me a folded piece of paper.

Meet me in the hallway beside the lab room at 1:30


I feel my face heat again. What's he going to do? Beat me up because I'm gay? I shudder at the thought. A small part of me wants me to go to just see if he want to talk. I'm in my art class at 1:25 and the period doesn't end until 1:50. Weird, Daniel want me to meet me during class time. Shit! The idea that he and his friends come unbidden in my mind again.

The curious part of me still wants to go and find myself raising my hand and asking permission to use the bathroom.

I spot Daniel's telltale copper hair. He look hot trussed up and leaning against the lockers. I walk closer to him until we're a couple of feet apart. Daniel moves in until we're face to face.

I close my eyes ready for him to punch me but instead soft lips meet mine. I feel his tongue against my mouth and so I part my lips to deepen the kiss. I keep my hands to my side unsure of where to place them but Daniel moves his hand to the upper part of my back to hold me in place. I'm entranced as I give all I can to him in that kiss and feel him doing the same.


"Whoa" I respond back breathless.

Well that's the first chapter. I hope you guys liked it. I promise it will get JUICER and ALOT more interesting in later chapters. I had to set up the scene first. Tell me what you guys think, and make sure to vote so I know you liked it. The more votes, the faster that I will publish the next chapter.

Bliss Dreams (A Joey Graceffa Fanfiction); JanielWhere stories live. Discover now