Chapter 6

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*Timeskip to the next day*

I woke up bombarded by tweets

"Aspen what happened?"

And other tweets such as that

Even my friends were being spammed with tweets about me

I felt bad

I should've stayed quiet

That way they wouldn't be spammed like they are now

I check the time



I have work

How am I gonna get there

I'll text Andrew

M:Hey Andrew how am I gonna get to work?

5 minutes later

New text message from Andrew

A: Don't worry about work right now you can take some time off and when you're ready to come to work I can come pick you up

I didn't want to not go to work

I didn't want to be left alone with my thoughts

Thats not a good a idea

M: Andrew I don't want to take time off I want to go to work

A: Okay then get ready I'll be there in half an hour

*Timeskip to when Andrew get to Aspen's apartment*

The doorbell rings

I get my phone, wallet and house keys and go to the door

"Hey Aspen you ready?"


I close the door and lock it

We head to his car and I get into the passenger seat

When I get in the car I pull out my phone and check my social media again

The whole car ride was silent

Nothing but music on the radio playing

Saying it was akward would be an understatement

After what felt like forever but was only half an hour we got to the office

Before Andrew turned off the car he spoke to me

"Aspen are you okay"

"I'm fine"

But I wasn't

I wasn't fine at all

No where close to the shore of fine

Almost as if I was stuck in the middle of the ocean of lost hope

That describes how I feel just perfectly

I tried putting on a façade of being okay

But I really wasn't and that was what was killing me the most

I feel as though I just merely put on a mask and everyone thought it was my face

Except one person

The person who can always see through me like as if it was I was a ghost

"Heya squirt"


"I know you're not fine"

"I'm fine"

I'm fine

Those words sting me

"You're not, you're far from it so stop lying and tell me the truth for once goddammit"

She's right

She's always right and I hate it

Is this what happens when you know someone for 19 years of your life

"Why do I need to tell you when you just know"

I stared at my computer

I couldn't make eye contact with her when she was right

"Because one day I can be wrong and I always want to make sure"

"Val you're never wrong"

"But theres always that chance"

"That 1% chance"

"Whatever, why are you at work when you could've stayed home"

"I didn't want to stay home"

"Why not"

Because it reminds me of Des

"Because I didn't want to"

"Because it reminds you of Des"


"Whatever just let me work"

"Yeah yeah say what you want but I can always tell when you're not okay and that'll never change"


"I heard that"

You hear everything

And then she walked away

Leaving me alone


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