Brief Biography

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Brief Biography

Name: Esther Contreras y Symphonia

Alias: Star Montero, Aris Sunday, Polaris

Meaning of Name: 'Star' (Persian)

Birthday: November 5

Birthplace: London, England

Height: Five feet and nine inches

Distinct Characteristic: Blonde hair, blue eyes and mostly wears outrageous, yellow outfits.

Other Facts: She is a Soprano and can play piano.

His other side: She turns into a Mermaid every full moon. Many popular ancient tales identify mermaids as sea creatures with the head and torso of a woman and the tail of a fish that would sing to men on ships or shores nearby, practically hypnotizing them with their beauty and song. Those affected would rush out to sea only to be drowned, eaten, or otherwise sent to their doom. In the modern mythology, these beings are more likely to be seen as innocent and sweet. Much of the modern interpretation of mermaids can be credited to Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Mermaid" and the Disney movie of the same name.

Author's commentary: I never imagine mermaids to be like Ariel. I always imagine them as fierce creatures that look more like a fish than a woman.

Trivia: Esther is the 17th book of the Old Testament and one of the two books in the Bible that bears a woman's name. The Book of Esther in the Old Testament tells the story of a Jewish woman named Hadassah who was chosen to be a queen of the King of Persia and was later on named Queen Esther. She saved the Jews of the realm from extermination.

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