•Signs In a Trip•

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Aries : *favorite song plays start to sing loud*

Taurus : *sing along with Aries and do something funny dance*

Gemini: *eating chips and didn't care whats happening in his/her surroundings *

Cancer: Please shut up im sleeping *back to sleep*

Leo :*playing a sad song and looking out on the window and start to rain hard* (EMO)

Virgo : Can you please Libra shut Aries and Taurus mouth?

Libra : Hey shut up *they still singing out loud*

Scorpio:*secretly and silently singing what Aries and Taurus singing*

Sagittarius : Scorpio stop it before you jam with those idiots -_-

Scorpio: what? i cant help it the song is so catchy *rolled eyes sassily*

Aquarius :*stops the music and continue to drive*

Pisces : well done Aquarius, well done.

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