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Aries:*Aries met her love of her life in the park and they became best friends and ended up together *

Taurus: *she is a type of girl that is hopeless romantic and one day there is a boy talked to her they became close to each other became best friend and ended up together*

Gemini:*now the story of Gemini is there is a playboy she hate him very much then suddenly a magic change the guy and that magic is his love for Gemini the playboy change for her they loved each other and they live happily ever after*( this one is for you sistah)

Cancer:*she friend zoned the guy that really really loves her and years later they meet again and became best friends again the guy ask her again and this time Cancer said yes now they are a happy couple*

Leo:*he always bully Leo for some reasons then one day magic happened the boy changed and they became friends and they ended up with each other*

Virgo:* Virgo is a play girl then one day she met this play boy they became couple but they are fell from their own traps they starting to truly love each other and became truly together*

Libra:*a boyish goddess type of girl many boys like her but she always reject them because she already love the schools HANDSOME nerd that also her best friend she confess to him and they became a cute couple*

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