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Scorpio:* they met at the coffee shop they always see each other they just ignore it because they don't know each other but one day they accidentally hit each and spill their coffee to each other and their love story started ENEMIES ➡ FRIENDS➡ BEST FRIENDS➡LOVERS*

Sagittarius :*they are childhood best friends and they are both aliens(LOL😝😂)they always understand each other then one day they accidentally kiss and those are they first kiss after that they became more close to each other and at the end they became a happy couple*

Capricorn:*always broken hearted type always drunk always at the bar always alone but one night he met a boy just like her they talk laugh party became friends and ended up to lovers they promised to each other that they will not do what their ex's do to them*(cheers!🍺🍺)

Aquarius :(for otakusss!) *she always in anime store and buying of course anime manggas posters etc. then there is an anime poster she really love she was about to grab it but some random boy grab it they tug o war (correct me if i am wrong 😝😝) using the poster but the POSTER TEAR APART !!!😨😨😨 you hate each other after the incident but you became friends and ended up with each other*

Pisces:*she really don't like him at the first place but he have the looks knowledge etc. in short he's a perfect guy but she's still don't like him but thanks to her friends for teasing her she start to develop her feelings from him and the guy? well same situation 😝😝 awkward at first but they became best friends and after they graduated they get married🎉🎊

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