The Lonely Hour

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Y/N pov
I sit idly with no purpose. There is now no happiness left in my life. My miserable existence drags on filled with lonely days and sleepless nights. The memories that once filled my heart with joy and comfort now haunt me, mocking my every thought and turning my salvaged dignity into unbridled shame. Why is my life so miserable?I keep asking myself though I know the answer.

It's simple.

It was the day he left. I continued to live my life with no doubts, no conflict and no worries.

That is until day after day after month after year. I feel that I have given up hope a long time ago though in my heart I still believe. After all these dreadful years my brain wants me to think it's over but my heart tells me it's not.

"When will you prove my heart correct, when will you come back" I whispered into the cool midnight air.

"Please let me stop worrying. Please Link" my voice was barely audible as another tear as identical as so many from every other time I cried over Link slipped from my eye.

It was another beautiful day made for you to spend with your best friend, the one you're closest to.


You and Link would laugh and smile and spend every day like it was your last.

One day you and Link were sitting in that perfect spot in the grass. The one where the warm sunlight would sift through the leaves of the branches of the tree you two would always sit under, and the gentle winds would always be enough to sweep you hair into a calm effortless breeze.

"Link" you sweetly whisper to the golden haired boy beside you as you stare into the beautiful sunset, the sky filled with a peachy-pink colour and lavender streaks across the horizon.

"Hmm" he hummed.

" I never want this moment to end" you whisper with a hint of saddens rising on your voice.

Link lifted the tip of your chin forcing you to meet his cerulean orbs.

" Me neither, but if we spend all our time in the past, then we'll never know what lies ahead in the future". He spoke softly, a smile easily graced his features.

" Then maybe we should live in the moment" you say as you rest your head on Link's shoulder, savouring the evening with him.

End of Flashback

Third Person View
You couldn't take it anymore, that was the last amazing day you spent with Link until he bestowed upon you the news of his departure.
In truth you never wanted this bad news to make your life miserable and you never intended for it too.
The day that Link left was the day that both of you promised that whatever happened and no matter how long it took you would never let the bad news drag you down and you would continue to live every day like it was your last even if Link was not there.
You tried your hardest to live by your word, you would more than anything love to have kept your promise to Link about happily living even though he wasn't there because you knew that he would have never wanted you to destroy your life for his sake by filling your life with pain and misery and worry all for him.
You knew that if something were to happen to Link he would have wanted you to put your worries behind you and continue to live and not to be depressed.

But you also knew that if something were to happen to Link you wouldn't be able to live with yourself.
All those years  you tried to keep your promise but you couldn't shake the lonely feeling. You were very aware that Link would not have been pleased to find that this behaviour was what you resorted to when you started to give up hope which you should never have in the first place.
The problem was that you were worried sick about Link. The longer time went on the more dread and worry you were filled with until you couldn't take it anymore.

Your life in Ordon was simple, you would get up every morning and willingly help out at the ranch because of Link's absence, after you were done you would then go home to shy away from the life you once cared to live.
The reason you shied away from everyone was because you were tired of everyone trying to reassure you to stop worrying about Link and his horribly long absence.
You thought differently though, you wondered if you were ever going to see Link again.
Ordon Village was a small village with not very many inhabitants so everyone knew each other and everyone was aware of your close friendship with Link.

One day when you were finished helping out at the ranch you decided to head to the mysterious spring close to Faron because it was nice change from being in your house all day but realistically you liked going to the spring because it helped calm you and your hurting emotions.
Something about that spring helped calm your aching feelings and soothe your soul and today of all days you longed to be there most for some reason.

Y/N pov
After finishing my tasks at the Ordon Ranch I eagerly made my way to the spring past Link's house and down the bridge. I never feel happy in the presence of anything that belongs to Link so I made sure to quickly pass by his house.
The reason for acting so cold to any of Link's belonging is because seeing anything that belongs to Link truly makes me miss him even more. As I made my way down the bridge I realized that it would be so nice to have some company. I used to spend time with Ilia during Link's departure until my worries for Link ruled over my life and Ilia became one of the many others who's plain reassuring words have no effect on me.

Afterwards, I arrived at the spring but this time I didn't feel as calm as I once used to and I soon realized that I still long for company from not just anyone even though when I'm at the spring I enjoy being by myself. But no, even thought I shy away from everyone else and had chosen to stop spending time with the people I was close to I still long for company.

Link's company.

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