A Step Closer

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Y/N pov
As I continued my walk towards the quiet spring I couldn't help but remember after all these years this place still never lost it's beauty. The last time I had been here was when I used to spend the days with Link. 'Why can't it be like that anymore, why do you have to be gone for so long' I though as I became lonely and started to sulk because of the missing presence of Link.
"Will you ever return?" I whispered knowing that my call would be unanswered. I turned towards the waterfall facing away from the entrance with my arms wrapped around my legs and my face buried in my knees in a sitting position. "Maybe he will" a familiar voice responded.

"I doubt it" I argued thinking I was hearing voices at first

I thought I was going crazy until I heard footsteps from behind so I decided to turn around.

In front of me stood a male with blond hair and eyes I could have sworn I saw a thousand times before. Then my pulse quickened and I began to feel lightheaded and it hit me.


"Y/N" spoke the familiar voice.

I felt my eyes fill with tears as we closed the gap between each other pulling each other into a warm comforting embrace. We stayed like this as it felt like time was slowing down. The uncontrollable tears rushing out of my eyes as my face was cradled in Link's chest, the green tunic he wore becoming soaked with my tears. The longing for his presence all these years, the longing to hear his voice, to feel his arms wrapped around me in a caring, warm embraced. I instantly felt all the memories begin to soothe my aching heart from Link's disappearance.

"You're finally back..." I whisper to my best friend in the entire world.

"I told you that I would come back. I told you there was no reason to worry." Replied Link.

"It's just that I missed you so much... And now your here, holding me in your arms as we speak." I manage to say through all the tears.

"I missed you more than anything and I had to come back. Every day drags on and I felt lonelier and lonelier. I couldn't take having the weight of the world on my shoulders and a heavy heart to drag me down even more than my emotions already have." Said Link.

I could tell that Link was also trying to hold back the tears that wanted to fall so badly.

Link's pov
Y/N really missed me, more than I could have imagined I thought as I realized that I was still holding her in a close embrace. I let go and we walked back to the village together. Everyone was aware that I was back, I arrived at the village wanting to see
Y/N first. I greeted everyone and promised to tell them about my travels, they advised me that Y/N had been in an awful mood for a while and she was currently at the Ordon spring. When I arrived there I soon saw that she was a wreck.

Third Person View
You decided to have Link come over for dinner at your place because you knew how exhausted he was from traveling all over Hyrule in order to smite evil. You also decided that this would be a good opportunity to catch up with how Link's life was and how his travels have been and you knew that Link was eager to know how you spent your time but you were ashamed to tell him that because you remembered to promise on the day he left that no matter what happened or how long it took to never give up hope and to always live each day like it was your last, even if Link wasn't there. You tried to live by his word for as long as you could but eventually as time went by so did your hopes until you eventually became too worried about Link to live properly and instead you let worry and misery run your life.

But now that he has unexpectedly shown up you realized that he would be disappointed in you for showing those emotions, for dragging your life down for his sake, for scarring yourself with worry.

As the both of you arrived at your house you sat for a long time as Link shared the story of his travels with you and told you all his encounters and actions he had to pursue in order to save Hyrule. You were more than relived to find that he wasn't severely injured and only suffered minor bruises and scrapes.

"I was worried for you" said Link calmly, "worried that you would be hurt by my absence. When I had arrived at Ordon everyone told me you had been depressed when I asked where were you."

You were sitting right beside Link on the couch and had your face turned towards his as he studied your expression, his cerulean orbs locked on your e/c eyes.

"Don't think that I don't remember the promise we made. I'm sorry Link." As you spoke, your voice was a hushed whisper.

Link leaned in closer.

"No"Link whispered, his face leaning even closer to yours

"I... f-felt the same way. Sad, miserable, lonely. I broke my promise to you as well.

You could tell that Link was stuttering as he spoke, trying to find the right words.

"During my adventures" he continued "I learnt so many things... But the most important thing I learnt is...

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