Chapter Forty-Seven:

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The first thing Jack saw when he walked into the room were the doctors crowded around the operating table which had a small screen in the middle separating Jackie's upper body from her lower; the doctors were performing a Cesarean-section.

He couldn't see her face well but she didn't seem to be in pain. He was slightly relieved at that and was about to take another step forward when one of the doctors said loudly, "Sir; we asked you to wait outside!"

"Jack?" Jackie questioned softly from the table in return.

"He's alright; so long as he stays clear of the operation," Doctor Walsh told his assistant as he set aside a scalpel.

Jack nodded before carefully moving over to stand by his wife's shoulder and grab her hand. "Are you okay?" He whispered down to her.

"Yeah," Jackie said quietly before her eyes sparked with small traces of fear. "I was losing a lot of blood before...but I think they stabilized me...I just hope the baby is alright...that's all I really care about now."

"Just think positive thoughts; she'll be alright," Jack reassured before asking, "'re not in pain?"

Jackie grinned and almost chuckled, "No. They gave me a regional I can't feel my lower half...thank God..."

Jack smiled before his attention was drawn to the doctors preparing to remove the baby from the womb. He couldn't look away and breathed, "Oh my God...I'm going to see my daughter being born..."

Jackie smiled wider at that and laughed quietly, squeezing his hand.

A cry suddenly filled the room and the umbilical cord was cut while a nurse cleaned up the baby and another gave Jackie an injection of the hormone Oxytocin to help her womb contract and reduce blood loss.

As the doctors finished the birth and prepared for inserting stitches, the young nurse wrapped the small baby in a fuzzy pink blanket and did some measurements and weighing before a vital check to make sure all was well. She was born at 6:00 P.M., right on the dot.

" she alright?" Jack asked nervously. It looked like he was caught between crying and leaping for joy.

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