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Thank you to Arcstark for the amazing banner

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Thank you to Arcstark for the amazing banner.


Charming rides quickly on his white stallion along the snowy mountains and long treacherous roads. He rode until he arrived at the dark forest. With no hesitation he continued to ride into the murky darkness of the trees hoping that he would get there in time. After what felt like hours he finally arrived. Jumping down from his horse without waiting for him to fully stop he made his way quickly to the gathering of dwarves. "You're too late." Doc spoke regretfully as he took in the sight of his beloved Snow lying still in a beautiful coffin made completely of glass as if she was only but asleep.

"No, no, no!" The prince exclaims heartbreakingly whilst taking in her pale face and tightly closed eyes. "Open it!" He orders the dwarves with a slight tremble in his voice.
"I'm sorry. She's gone." Another dwarf, Grumpy, said before burying his face in his hands in order to hide the tears that were slowly making their way down his plump cheeks.
"At least let me say goodbye." Charming pleaded and watched as the dwarves slowly moved the lid from the coffin that surrounded his beloved. Leaning forward he spared no thought for the watching dwarves as he placed a chaste kiss upon the beauty's rosy lips.

The dwarves took a startled step back as a wind blew around the clearing they stood in and a wave of magic rippled outwards to carry across the rest of the kingdom. Closing his eyes Charming startled slightly as the woman he loved gave a loud gasp and her chest started to rise and fall as she took in a deep breath. "You? You found me." Snow whispered as she took in the sight of the prince that stood before her. "Did you doubt that I would?" Charming asked as he smiled down at her and helped her to rise.

"Truthfully, the glass coffin gave me pause." She replied as the prince took her face gently between his calloused hands. "You never have to worry. I will always find you." Charming proclaimed firmly as he brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Do you promise?"

---------------Line Break---------------

"I do!" Charming answered as he stood on the arch before the Priest, his friends and loyal subjects gathered around them as he held the hands of his beloved. He stared into the eyes of the woman he loved, the only women he has or ever will love, smiling widely as she smiled back at him tears gathering in her eyes. Snow White was so caught up in staring into the eyes of the man she loved she only caught the tail end of the vow. "...Do you promise to love and to cherish him for as long as you both shall live?" The Priest asked.
"I do." Snow answered.
"Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

As Charming and Snow leaned in to kiss the doors were flown open and in the doorway stood the Evil Queen. "Sorry I'm late." The Evil Queen called as she strode confidently into the Hall waving her hand and sending the Guards flying across the room as they came charging at her. "It's the Queen. Run!" Doc called out in panic which set everyone off in a flurry of panic. Red pushed Snow and Charming's seven year old daughter Emma behind her and Granny as Granny held up her crossbow ready to shoot the Evil Queen at any moment.

Gold Saviours #Watty2016حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن