Circus Disaster

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Chapter 18

Circus Disaster

Smallville Coliseum

Clark, Lana, and Pete arrived at the circus which was at the Smallville Coliseum. Many sports events occurred at the Coliseum. Clark had gotten front row seats and smelled all of the animals' feces. While, it did smell bad, they were excited to see the performers. Clark had bought popcorn for the three and soda to keep everyone full.

Clark and Lana sat down next to each other while Pete was more of a third wheel and sat in the row in front of them. Lana laid her head on Clark's shoulder, which made Clark feel uncomfortable at first. But Clark got used to it and held Lana's hand.

Clark, Lana, and Pete stared at the stage. There was sand everywhere that covered the area of a football field. There were also five high platforms and a rope connecting all of them. There also was no net below, which made Clark excited to see what they were going to do with that trick. Clark heard all the hundreds of people talking, sometimes, he would just like to listen to others.

He then heard Lana speak and focused on her, "Thanks for asking me to come Clark."

"No problem Lana, I thought you'd enjoy it." Clark lied, it was actually his mother who knew she would enjoy it.

The stadium lights turned dark and spotlights turned on. A man, maybe Jonathan's age walked out and onto the stage, "Good evening Metropolis!" The man shouted using a microphone, "I'm your host C.C Haly! Let's get ready to rumble!"

The crowd shouted and screamed in excitement. As the crowd screamed, a hole bursted through the ceiling of the stadium. A green skinned boy bursted through the ceiling. The boy was blonde and had three dots on his head that formed a triangle.

Clark knew who it was, "Brainy?" It was Brainiac 5, he looked angry, enraged.

Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, and Lightning Lad followed after him. As they caught up to Brainiac 5, Brainiac 5 swung at Lightning Lad's face. Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, and Lightning Lad were fighting Brainiac 5! Clark didn't know why but he knew he had to help someone.

The stadium was getting evacuated. People were running out in fear. It would be hard for Clark, Lana, and Pete to get out since they were in the front rows. Brainiac 5 ripped off a part of the roof of the stadium and threw it at Saturn Girl. Saturn Girl dodged the scrap but it flew towards Lana. The scrap came down on Lana's legs and Lana screamed in pain.

"Lana!" Clark yelled as him and Pete moved the piece of scrap off of Lana's legs.

"Clark?" Saturn Girl saw Clark and flew over to him while Phantom Boy and Lightning Lad fought Brainiac 5.

"What's going on!?" Clark questioned while picking up Lana.

"It's Brainy, something's wrong with him. Something's wrong with his programming. He's gone mad, Clark you need to know that Phantom Boy, Lightning Lad, and I can't come back anymore..." Saturn Girl informed Clark.

"What!? Why?" Clark cried. "I need you guys, you're my friends!"

"I know Clark but the future's unstable. We can't let anything bad from the future reach the past, the technology here wouldn't be great enough to defend from it." Saturn Girl explained, "Clark..."

"I know... Go, stop Brainy, bring him back to the way he used to be." Clark sighed.

"Clark, I promise, we will meet again one day. We will miss you." Saturn Girl replied, "Know this Clark, one day, the world will accept you, one day they will strive to be like you. Just be who you are, kind and good hearted."

"I'll miss you Irma..." Clark put Lana down and hugged Saturn Girl.

"Go Clark, get her safe..." Saturn Girl commanded.

Saturn Girl create a defense aura around Clark, Lana, and Pete. Clark who was carrying Lana and Pete then ran outside and didn't look back. They soon arrived outside the stadium along with everyone else in the stadium. The circus animals were also outside too, they were evacuated. There were ambulances outside and Clark brought Lana to one of them.

"Will she be alright?" Clark asked one of the paramedics.

"I don't know, we need to examine her and bring her to the emergency room." The paramedic stated.

Loud noises of destruction came from the stadium. Then suddenly, the inside of the stadium exploded, Clark hadn't seen Phantom Boy, Saturn Girl, or Lightning Lad leave the stadium. "No!" They were gone, Clark's friends were gone.

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