chapter one

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Hello everyone! Im merk4books. Soooooo this is my first book here and my first book in English too. I wasn't planning on writing anything but u know how it is..... Anyways i really hope u like it cause am not sure myself about the plot. Well for all those who are reading this, ENJOY!!!♥♥♥♥

There was a loud noise and then Debra started barking.

"Easy girl." Said the young lady who held the dog and was now reaching down to pet its black glittering hair. Debra stopped and the girl moved her cane from where it had hit and brought it closer to her body.

Seriously Alina, keep your head on your shoulders.

She knew that the people walking by were all staring at her, some with pity others wanting to help. Of Course she couldn't see them but she felt them alright.

All of her twenty five years of life were filled with darkness. But she'd managed to create her very own light, and not blame others for her problems.

At first glance she wasn't anyone worth looking at, people usually passed her by without looking twice. She was annoyingly plain with brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin with a few freckles dancing across her nose. She seem so fragile and delicate, at least until you got to know her. She was quite the opposite of fragile really, especially when she was shopping for her lunch. She could be quite aggressive when it came to food. According to her it was the eighth miracle of the world.

She stopped at the pavement waiting, until the the traffic light was green and she couldn't hear any cars crossing. Then with Debra leading the way, she passed the street and headed towards the grocery store. Two lefts one right and they were there.

"Good Morning Liney." She heard a voice as soon as she entered the small shop. She turned her head towards the sound and smiled.

"Good Morning Mrs Harley." She said walking up to the old lady at the grocery counter. Maggie Harley had been working at the store for forty years and Alina had known her for the last four.

Since she moved in the neighborhood, Maggie had always been a dear friend to her and tried her best to make her feel as comfortable and as welcome as possible.

"Liney. How many times have I told you? It's Maggie. Not Mrs Harley. It makes me feel..... old" she said and Alina laughed.

"I know Maggie. I know. So how are things over here? I haven't seen you in while." Maggie shrugged waving her hand in front of her face in dismissal. She knew Alina couldn't see the gesture but it came naturally to her.

"We are fine here Liney. You know how these things go. People come, they take their melons and they go. Let me tell you, everyday it's an new adventure for me." Maggie said with a serious voice.

Alina laughed and the old lady smiled, watching her.

"Here honey." Maggie said reaching for her basket. "Let me help you." She headed towards the bench and started placing groceries into the basket. "The usual right?" She asked turning to face Alina.

"Yes Maggie. Thank you."

Exiting the store Alina held the bags on one hand and Debra's leash on the other. She crossed the street and headed to her apartment. The route home was really beautiful even though she couldn't see it. There was a park near her building, with a big lake that always gathered children and people of all ages.  As she passed by, she could hear their laughter and it never failed to make her smile.

When she reached the building she took out her keys and searched for the keyhole with her hand. She stepped inside holding her cain in front of her and started walking up the stairs.

"Living in a building without an elevator." Alina grunted, panting. "Bravo Alina. That was a smart move."

Finally she reached her door counting her steps and she opened it, releasing Debra before the dog dragged her and her groceries through the living room and out of the window. She found the small cabinet beside the door and left her keys before she started heading towards the sofa, sitting down and taking off her boots.

Shes been living here since she started university and she really loved this place. Her parents were worried at the beginning but they agreed eventually and soon she had her very own apartment.

It was really lonely the first two months but then Debra came. She was a birthday present from her parents and Alina had gone crazy with happiness when she realised she had a puppy. A black Labrador. She was the cutest dog.

She felt something nudging at her hand and reached out to pet Debra's head. Then she stood up and headed slowly towards the kitchen where she started preparing her lunch.

And that's how every day went by, for the last four years. Each morning she woke up, went to work, at a local bookshop, and then at noon she would come back home and then go out again in the afternoon for a long walk with Debra.

In general her life was quiet and she was content with it. Her parents visited from time to time and her best friend, Stella, called everyday and visited too. As boring as it might seem from an outsider, she couldn't be happier with it and that was all that mattered.  I'm fact,  Alina strongly believed that were were very few things that could make her loose her positivity and bright spirit.

And she was about to meet one of them.

So that's the first part!!!!! I really really hope u like it. let me know how u feel or what are your thoughts!!! Love you all. ♥

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