A Palace of secrets.

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Shanes POV:

I kept close to Laurence and Drew, as we flew around a corner, huge doors soon being opened silently, as Laurence ushered me and Drew through. Awarding us with the grand sight of a vast corridor, vases, portraits.. but an eery atmosphere floating through the halls.. We were in The Palace of Grand London. "This way." He whispered, intwining his fingers with Drews as he walked, me just awkwardly shuffling behind, as we made our way down the corridor, Drew sharply pulling me towards the right suddenly, as he clasped a hand around my mouth, pulling me closer with him and Laurence into an arch in the wall.. I didn't panic.. all i felt was numbness without Kier, but i soon saw why we were hidden.. My eyes widening as a figure sluggishly dragged his feet past us..

He wore a royal, black cloak, but the hood was down, revealing a pale, sharp face above. He had greasy blonde hair, combed back roughly across his thin skull, his piercing black eyes glinting with fustration; his teeth looking too big as their outline pushed through his lips. I quickly drew my gaze down to what he was dragging behind him. It was a rough, stitched brown sack, blood.. oozing through the woven seems, quite a bundle of weight rubbing across the tiled floor.. I felt absolutely sick.. We silently watched him dissapear around the corner with a disturbing grunt, before Drew moved his trembling hand from across my dry mouth. 

"W-who.." I stuttered, before Laurence cut in. "The Cardinal." He stated, through gritted teeth. "B-but, wait.. he's a-" Drew whispered, before Laurence sighed. "I'll explain in my chamber, but please, come. We can't be caught." Laurence mumbled, taking Drews hand again, and pulling it to his lips, as he placed a kiss across Drews shaking knuckles. A luminous blush fluttering across Drews cheeks, before Laurences own blushed face turned away quickly, with a cough. Yes, adorable. Though it just made me yearn for my own Thief even more.. I just shook my head and started up the spiraling stair-case they had ran up, taking two steps at a time as thoughts of Kier raced through my pounding head. I reached the top, and jogged over to the sight of Laurences royal blue coat sliding through a door, Drew holding his hand out to me as i reached them. I just smilled and took it, staying close to my Timid as we wondered into Prince Laurences chambers.

"Woah.." Drew gasped slightly, both of us letting our eyes wander around the vast room, the smooth stone walls, a huge bed upon two steps against the far wall.. and portraits of the Vane ancestors surrounding the frames of the glorious room. "In here." Laurence smiled, looking to us as he bent under the door-frame, going into a smaller room attached to his own. I walked with Drew, our hands firmly locked as we went into the room, shelves and shelves of phials and glasses full of luminous colours surrounding the tiny space. "This was my old proffessors room.. um, before he, ...left." Laurence said quietly, silently plucking a glass tube from a top shelf as he put it down, glimpsing to us every now and again. "The Cardinals a vampire." Drew muttered, staring at Laurence, as the Prince sighed, popping a cork from the tiny bottle. "Yes. It's true.. He's the one who tried to change me." Laurence explained quietly, pouring some of the liquid into a smaller tube. "Why didn't you tell me?" Drew sighed, looking up to Laurence, who just put down the phial, turning his handsome face towards Drew.

He opened his mouth continously, before sighing, and looking back to the table, picking up the phial slowly and dropping it into his pocket. "Didn't think you'd need to worry about that." Laurence mumbled, his face holding a light-crimson colour across his skin. While they carried on, i shuffled back quietly, and sat on a chair across the chamber, watching them quietly, it soothed me actually.. To see some love, in what i thought, was the darkest of times..  "Of course i'd care, Laur.." Drew sighed, stepping closer to Laurence. "Look what i've done to you Drew.. I've messed up your emotions.. i didn't want to do it again.." Laurence whispered, turning and looking at the table, his eyes glinting with a deep saddness. "Oh Laurence.." Drew breathed, sighing as he blushed slightly, taking Laurences hand from the table. "I like the way i am now.. It's me.. I got too lost in my work before.. Cyrus, Kier, Luke.. you. You've changed me. You've made me finally realise there's more to life than being the towns shadow.." Drew whispered, leaning up his hand to stroke across Laurences cheek, a tear trickling across the patterns around his misty eyes. 

"I just feel so trapped with Evelyn here.. I don't want to be the Prince anymore.. I mean what prince am i with the King blind with hatred.. I want to.. I just.. Drew, i'm just so tired." Laurences voice cracked slightly, as he shook his head, his ebony hair shining like silk. "Then run away with us.. W-with me." Drew stuttered, biting his lip as he looked across his shoulder to me, as i nodded to him with a grin, Drew turning back to the Prince. "B-but.. i-i'm the Prince.. it would be against my duties.." Laurence sighed, running his thumb across Drews cheek gently.

" You said it yourself, the King isn't our king anymore.. The Cardinal's chaos is too traumatic, y-you're not safe here.. please.." Drew whispered, pleading through his gaze, as Laurence bit his lip, running a hand through his hair, as he glimpsed over to me, then back to Drew. "I-i love you Laurence. Please.." Drew mumbled, Laurence freezing as he stared at Drew. Even i was impressed at that.. I just smiled and stood from the cushioned chair, wandering towards the door, sparing a last look to them. Laurences eyes were closed, his hand lightly caressing the back of Drews neck as he was lent down, Drews own hands resting on Laurences hips as they kissed. A new bond taking its place in Grandomina, a new bond against The Cardinal. My heart just flew out of my chest at the sight of the stairs outside the door, something dragging my body towards them, at the lingering thought that my Kier is down there, and that whatever Laurence had put in his pocket, could be the answer to fixing my damaged heart.

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