It really Begins.

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Kiers POV:

As soon as our eyes locked, i felt like my whole life just flew through my head, and escaped through the breeze, leaving me with Cyrus. Just Cyrus in front of me. I couldn't close my mouth as we just studied each others expression.. His eyes were so vibrant in the light from the snow, and the way the gentle wind had thrown his hair about drove me crazy.. I just drew a smirk across my lips, and lent in to catch his mouth with mine. My eyes crept shut as he began to push back, the whole world around me going completely silent, no wind, no trees, just the silence of snow. I felt his hand run through the back of my hair, his touch sending a warmth through my body, taking the coldness away from my exposed skin.. I just let out a sigh of pure relief as i turned him around to face me fully, deepening the sweet kiss as his lips curled into a smile against my own. It felt like we were back to the beggining again, this new wave of perfection just bought back how i first felt meeting this man. And it was heavenly.

He pulled away slightly as our breath murged between us, visible through the crisp air as we kept our gazes locked. "Your fingers are freaking cold.." I muttered, smirking as he blushed, moving his fingers down from up the back of my shirt. I just lent up and pressed my lips against his throat lightly, his shakey breath tickling the strands of my fringe as i did. "I love you." I smiled, looking back up to him as he ran his fingers across my cheek. "I love you too Kier, i really do." He whispered, his breath floating like steam between us. But i was soon disturbed, as an ice-cold ball of snow collided with my neck, the powder trickling down my back as i swore, jumping back and shaking the back of my shirt hurridly. I just snapped my neck upwards, to see a certain Timid and his Prince sniggering by the hut. I just looked back to Cy with a smirk. "Oh it's on.." I muttered, both of us dropping to the floor.

I watched Cy curl the snow with his fingers, grinning as i scrunched two balls in my palms, looking over to the smug looking Drew and Laurence. I looked to my Mechanist and nodded, as our arms flew out at the same time, balls of snow escaping our grip at full speed, to break and shower them both in snow. Talk about perfect aiming, if i say so myself.. "Oh morning Drew, Laur, didn't see you there!" I grinned mischieviously as they glared at us, a smile cracking through their expressions. I just had to step back and smile for a moment here.. These guys were actually my family now, and life felt right. I kept the smile as i watched Drew nuzzle into Laurences chest, Laurence flinging his long-blue royal coat from around his shoulders, and hanging it across Drews shoulders as he blushed. They were too adorable.. That was when i soon  felt Cy's arms sneak around my waist as i watched them, the warmth imediately jolting through my body.. 

But the warmth fizzled out almost instantly, as it was replaced with an excrutiating pain slithering from my hand. I just hissed slightly, and clenched my palm over my scar, my eyes widening at the state of it.. "K-kier?" Cy whispered, both of us looking up to Laurence as his face showed a pained expression, his hand clenching the scar on his neck.. "It's starting.." Drew suddenly mumbled, worry set upon his face. "W-what's starting?" Cy called, much louder as he looked down to my scar, the skin bumpy and ragged as it pulsed. Drew pulled Laurence over and compared Laurences scar with my own, looking between them, before he froze. Looking up slowly to Cy. "The Cardinal.. he's rallying the vampires.." Drew muttered, looking away in shock, as his gaze shot up to the Palace on the horizon.

"Shit.." Laurence muttered under his breath, as i just ran a hand across my face, feeling the darkness finally arrive. The darkness i thought had been hidden, just this once.. I felt like everything was just breaking up inside of me, all of the warmth, the love, it was being pulled away from me.. I felt sick. "What the fuck do we do now?" I asked, agitated, everyone looking down as the realisation hit. "We have to stand up and fight." Laurence mumbled, running a hand through his hair as he groaned. "W-wait, what?" Cy asked quietly, his voice almost quivering. I just turned around and pulled him close to me, making sure he was firmly by my side.. "We can do this.." I spoke up, everyone looking up to me.. "We can?" Drew asked, his voice uncertain. "It's what we gathered for isn't it? We're strong enough, i know we can.." I mumbled, looking up to them.  "W-wait, Evelyn?" Laurence asked out loud, all of our gazes shooting behind us, to see Luke sliding down a hill of snow hurridly, with the princess shivering behind him, an expression of guilt on her face as she looked up to us.. And so, i guess it really begins.

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