Chapter Four: When Everything Changes

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Author's Note: Guess who's being a nice author and giving you guys two updates in two days? Moi, so you're welcome. Just kidding, just kidding, but still. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and just keep in mind, Bella's 23 now, and was in the Army, so way different than she used to be. 

Good Girl Gone Bad

Chapter Four: When Everything Changes


"Come here, rude boy, boy, can you get it up, come here, rude boy-" My singing and dancing was interrupted by Jacob. 

"Jesus Christ, Bella, I swear, you're deaf. Nice clothes, by the way." Jake's eyes raked over my black jeans, black combat boots, white Paramore T-shirt, and black beanie. I gave him a grin before I followed him out of the club, the deafening music that let me escape from everything leaving my ears. 

"So, what do you need J?" I questioned as he led me to his Rabbit, which he hadn't upgraded since he'd finished it years ago. Jacob leaned against the hood, looking very uncomfortable. 

"Are you working at Nolan's tonight?" he asked, and I found this weird. He knew I ran a double shift on Saturday night at Nolan's. Why would he ask?

I nodded slowly, suspicious. "Well, I might be a little late picking you up tonight. I'm having some friends you don't know over," Jacob mumbled, and he wouldn't look me in the eyes. I narrowed mine, taking a step back. 

"How many?" 


"Eight? Okay, what's going on? What're you up to?"

"Why can't I have people over? Why are you so shocked?"

"...Jake, you hang with me. We have no friends."

"Oh, yeah, right. Well, I am stepping out of the box. Now I'm going to leave you to being friendless." Jake left with a fake smile on his face.

I shook my head at his foolishness. Wasn't trained in the Army for three years and not learn anything, asshole. 

I walked back into the club, but now I wasn't in the mood for dancing. I pushed through the crowd towards the back, where my private office awaited me. My boss, Taylor, knew that I needed my private space, and gave me this in exchange for not raising my salary. Selfish little jerk. But I appreciated the office. 

I closed the door behind me, taking in the caramel-colored walls, the cocoa carpet, the mahogany desk, the brand new Mac Book Pro, and, of course, my fridge. What kind of freak would I be if I didn't have a fridge in my office?

My head burned with a ferocious intensity. The deaths and pain of these past years caught up with me. What hurt the most was the light that left their glassy eyes, and instead haunted my tortured soul. All of a sudden, the room was shifting, and I stumbled, unbalanced.

I was so confused. Where was I in life? What was I? What was happening to me? I was lost and couldn't be found. I walked up to the wall and began to bang my head against it. In my daze, I hoped that the hard impacts on my skull would bring back some of the confidence that I was doing the right thing, that I was the person I was supposed to be. 








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