A Day of Fun

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Mark's POV

"Go suck a big ol bag of dicks!" Jack says after I killed him in gmod murder.

"Woah, woah, woahhhh" Bob says.

"Too far? Yeah to far... Sorry Mark." Jack replies in a sad voice.

"It's okay Jack, but I'll get you again next time!" I reply as I laugh.

So I played gmod Murder with Jack, Bob, and Wade for a few hours.

"Guys it's 11:00 pm over here in America" Wade mentions.

"Oh I guess I should let you guys get your sleep, night." Jack says as he gets off Skype.

"Night" Bod, Wade, and I say in unison.

I wasn't really feeling tired so I decided to go onto YouTube and watch some videos. I watched one of Felix's videos from today, a typical video from him.
Then I looked at some of Jack's videos. One was an Undertale video the other was a "reading your comments" video.

I started feeling tired and feel asleep while watching Jack's video.

I woke up around 1:00 pm.
I really slept a long time didn't I.
I started to upload a video for today, while that was uploading I decided to edit some videos.

About 2 hours into editing my videos I heard I notification alert on my computer. I looked at it and it said my video had uploaded. Good!

I had almost finished editing my videos so I decided to finish, grab a bite to eat, and watch some videos. Everything was like last night but when I looked for Jack's video there wasn't any up. I assumed he was having problems with his computer, so I just brushed it off and went to sleep.

Skip to next day...

Today I let my video upload and looked at videos again. Jack still didn't have anything up. I decided to Skype him and ask him what was wrong.

The Skype sound buzzed for a few second before it was answered.

I saw him siting in his recording chair with his hood over his head.

"Hey Jack, you alright? You forgot to upload yesterday!?" I said half laughing.

"I'm okay Mark, you don't have to..." Jack said in a low tone. Suddenly Jack jolted forward and screamed "HELP!"

"Jack what was that, did something happen?!" A yelled in worry.

"No, I'm fine ju... HELP...st don't worry." Jack did it again.

Something wasn't right...

"Jack I'm coming over there" I yelled.

As I closed the Skype call, I swear I saw something in Jack's eye.

I knew I had to help him, but he was in Ireland and it would take a long time to get there, hopefully I won't be to late.
Late for what? I really don't know but Something wasn't right with Jack.

That One Fateful Day (Septiplier Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now