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after our short dance we watched a but of tv. as we were in the middle of an episode of spongebob i felt my phone vibrate. 'shit i forgot about my mom' thought to myself. i quickly answered hoping she wouldn't yell. that is where i thought wrong. "daniel james howell, where have you been?! you were supposed to be back by 10:00!" she yelled, she certainly wasn't happy one bit. "i'm sorry mum, i ended up going to one of my friends house and we fell asleep. i will head home now." i apologized hopefully i wasn't grounded for this. she hung up the phone and i quickly stood up. "everything alright?" phil asked. i nodded, "yeah, my mom is just mad i wasn't home. it'll be fine though." i said shrugging my shoulders. "i can give you a ride home if you would like." he offered. he is to nice. "oh no it's fine i can just walk." he got up from the couch and grabbed his keys. "too bad." he said with a wink. i looked away. "i said i'm fine, you don't have to worry about it really. you've done enough for me already." i protested. he still wouldn't budge. i went upstairs and grabbed my clothes and we walked out of his house.
after a short drive we finally arrived at my home. i dreaded going inside to hear my mother yelling. but what can i do about it, in the end she's still my mother. i thanked phil and as i went to get out of the car he handed me a small sheet of paper. "u-uh you should call me somethime." he said with a blush. i took the paper and thanked him again. as i entered the house i immediately heard the pounding footsteps of my mother from the kitchen. "you better have a good explanation as to why you didn't come back home." she said with a stern look. i explained what had happened leaving out the parts of me and phil dancing. she would go mad if she found out. she would end up constantly bugging me trying to find out if i liked phil or not. and i surely did not want to have to deal with that.
after her long lecture about how worried she was i finally was let to my room. i am so tired. i quickly fell asleep. i couldn't stop thinking about him.

an// sry this chapter is shit.

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