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the loud music blaring in my ears gave me a headache as i downed another drink. everything was dark, my head was spinning, i had lost it.
"me" by the 1975 started playing and i got a bit more excited. the area around me had become more calm. the strong scent of horny teenagers, weed, and alcohol hadn't left my nose. it burned but it was also pleasure. as i danced to the music i felt someone gently place their hands on my hips swaying along with the music and i.
i turned around to find who this person was. i had consumed so much alcohol to the point where i couldn't exactly remember who he was. but he was sure hella hot. his beautiful blue eyes and space black hair fit him perfectly. he looked just as fucked up as me. i put my arms around his neck as we swayed to the slow beat. he rested his forehead on mine. we stayed the way we were. it seemed as if it was just us in the crowd. that nothing else mattered. i didn't even know this person but this felt so great.
we danced along to more songs fast paced and messy and slow and sweet.
i don't regret the time i spent here.
as we danced to some song i didn't know, the boy leaned to my ear. "wanna leave?" he questioned still not stopping our dancing. i nodded and he grabbed my hand. as we exited the building he grabbed a bottle of alcohol to take with us. we stumbled down the street laughing at nothing. we held hands as if we had know each other for years.
we somehow ended up at a small abandoned park. it only had swings, a slide, monkey bars, and one of those things you spin on that looks like a carousel. we ran to the swings putting our stuff down before we got on.
we both took a swing of whatever drink he grabbed and started swinging as high as we could. i sighed looking up at the starry sky, "the stars are so beautiful. i'm so jealous of them". the boy stopped swinging and i followed along. he walked over to me and i stood from my swing. he put his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear. "you're so much more beautiful than all the stars and the constellations". he looked back at me with a smile. "why are you saying all this. i don't even know your name?" i said looking away to hide the tint of pink that was covering my face.

"i'm phil lester. and you are very beautiful."

an// um so how do you like it???? i kinda just randomly came up with this. so yea. i hope you like it.

ribs:phanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang