{6} trick

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a/n after nearly two months, it's here. I'm extremely sorry for making you all wait, but i hope you enjoy the chapter <3 x

I pumped my arms back and force rapidly at my sides, the repeated action propelling me forward. Through the stinging of my muscles I continued to run, savoring the ache at the tips of my toes. I always ran on them as opposed to pressing the entirety of my feet to the ground. After running at full speed for several miles, I found it was much easier to pick my toes up than it was to do to my whole foot.

My aqua coloured eyes were concealed for a moment as my eyelids closed over them, a sharp breath behind inhaled. It was getting harder to keep running, and I knew that soon, it would grow darker. This had gone on for the past three hours and I was beginning to feel a bit unwell.

Don't stop now, finish off this mile than you can walk back home and rest. Skylar, you're doing well. Don't go back to being a pig. You broke your twenty two hour streak this morning because you were weak. We both know you didn't need to eat that pancake. You could have made up an excuse, Randy would have believed you. Now finish your mile to work off that pancake, keep going.

With a labored breath, I continued to sprint across the pavement and stopped only when the Andrew Belle track I had been listening to stopped and was replaced with a beeping. It signaled the completion of my five mile run and it was very welcomed as I felt exhausted. I cringed in distaste as my scent wafted towards my nose. My jumped-and most likely the rest of me- reeked of sweat. It wasn't entirely bad however, as that was the smell of success. A sign of accomplishment. However, I was still in desperate need of a relieving shower.

Elated was not nearly a strong enough word to describe my emotion when I had finished off the shoot with Harry yesterday evening. The lad was driving me insane and I wished nothing more than to be swallowed whole. Well, perhaps it wouldn't have been so bad if he had been swallowed. After I informed him how I would very much enjoy strangling him, he didn't leave me alone; instead he made it his personal goal to anger me as much as he could that night. Harry continued to draw me closer to him and told Randy he thought that we should have more intimate shots to make us look more "coupley". To this she replied that was an excellent idea-of course she would, to her everything Harry did was brilliant-and that she would look into it.

So, this morning Randy had requested I meet her in the café a few blocks away from my flat and I did so happily after I was informed Harry was unable to attend because he had rehearsals. Upon arriving, I noticed that Randy had ordered a full scale breakfast for the two of us. The scent of every dish was overwhelming and I lost myself, downing an overly buttered blueberry pancake. Due to this, I had been running my arse off-not literally, because I forever remained the size of a whale, never losing a single pound despite my best efforts-for the past few hours. So now, my inner demons were torturing me, making me feel much more guilty than a normal person should have felt for eating a blasted pancake. Then again, both the demons and I knew that I was far from normal.

"Skylar." My dark brows drew together as I slowly turned, squinting as I attempted to see the source that spoke my name. I pulled my headphones from my ears, wrapping them around my phone and shoving them inside the pocket of my jumper. There was a figure before me, a very tall one. My eyes strained to make out more, something prominent enough to identify the person but because of the distance, I could not. All I saw was an outline, shaggy brown hair that looked all too familiar resting upon the head of the culprit.

Out of curiosity, I stepped off of the pavement and into the dry field of wheat where my feet trudged along, bringing me closer to the person.

"Skylar." It repeated, louder this time. "It's me." My breathing hitched suddenly, hands beginning to shake. No. No it couldn't be. Not him. I moved forward faster, growing desperate now. Of course it was him, the damn hair should've been enough to warn me.

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