Chapter 6 - Test of Strength

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With the rematch against Parker rattling in his head, Ash took the time while heading back home to think about what could happen in the future. What kind of danger would be surfacing? What would it mean for him and his friends, even his relationship with Serena? How was Parker going to be involved? All of these questions filled Ash's mind up for the whole journey, walking in silence, hand-in-hand with Serena. 

"You okay, Ash?" Serena picked up on this, looking at Ash who was clearly deep in thought.

"Hmm? I'm fine, just thinking about the future" he replied, then looking up to the sky, which was now fading into a black colour, the sun having set already. 

"What about it?" Serena pressed on with another question.

"About everything we just found out. What might happen..." Ash spoke quietly, still looking into the sky. 

"We'll all be fine, you don't need to worry" Serena smiled at Ash and squeezed his hand tightly, making him turn to her. He couldn't help but smile and nod slightly.

"You're right, I should be focusing on my priorities" 

"Like beating Parker?" Serena asked Ash, with a slight grin.

"Like beating Parker, exactly" Ash repeated, as they finally made it to Pallet Town. Both of them stepped inside the house and Pikachu was already there,  jumping onto Ash's shoulder upon entry. 

"Pika pi!" Pikachu exclaimed with excitement.

"So you had a good time?" Ash smiled, petting Pikachu with his opposite arm.

"Kaaaa" Pikachu said softly, enjoying the petting.

Ash headed up to his room and got changed, grabbing his Pokeballs and then heading back down the stairs. 

"I'll see you later, Serena" Ash turned to face Serena, who was at the other side of the corridor. 

"Don't be too long" Serena walked up to Ash and kissed him on the cheek. He opened the door and tipped his cap to her.

"I'll be back before you know it," he said, before heading off, Pikachu on his shoulder. Ash made his way back towards the city, knowing Parker was waiting at the Pokemon Center. Ash looked up to the night sky again, recapturing the thoughts he had a few moments ago, the wind slowly picking up, a soft breeze against his fingers and face, his gloves keeping his hands warm. 

"Well, look who made it right on time" Parker was waiting outside, one foot up against the wall. He had his hands in his pockets and grinned at Ash, who returned the expression.

"Let's not waste any time" Ash continued to grin, leading Parker to the back, where the battlefield was. Ash took one end and Parked turned to face Ash from the opposite side of the field. 

"1 Pokemon each?" Parker asked, throwing out a Pokeball and catching it in his hand.

"Sure" Ash also got out a Pokeball and threw his first. "Greninja, I choose you!" 

"Bisharp, let's do it!" Parker launched his Pokeball out, his Bisharp immediately facing off with Ash's Greninja.

"Greninja use cut!" Ash started off the proceedings and Greninja pounced forward at lightning speed. After a second, there was a quick white flash and Greninja was suddenly holding a sword made completely of white energy. Greninja flipped and lunged straight at Parker's Bisharp, who was staring at Greninja. Greninja's moved connected with ease, but Bisharp barely reacted to it, boasting the durable it has. 

"Bisharp, dig" Parker stood completely still, as casual as ever, while Bisharp dove down, using its metal claws to dig through the earth. 

"Greninja, use double team and move around" Ash immediately thought up of a counter and Greninja did as Ash said, lots of Greninja's suddenly appearing around the battlefield, moving around with quick pace. 

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