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The kit's dark gray fur was dirty and standing on end, and it limped further and further into the middle of nowhere. The kit was surrounded by pure darkness, and its ears were pulled back with fright. Looking forward, the kit saw a golden tom walking towards it. He had a glint in his eyes. . . a glint of mischief. Blood was spattered all over his fur, making it obvious that he had been in many battles--or killed a few cats at the least. The golden tom's lip was curled, revealing sharp fangs which were surprisingly white and clean. A purr rumbled from his throat.

"Welcome," the tom said. "We've been. . . expecting you, you could say."

The kit stopped, its eyes wide. "Who. . . who are you? Where am I?"

"My name is Blaze. . . and this?" He said, motioning around him with his tail, "This is the entrance to the Dark City."

The small kit gasped. "My mother told me stories about the Dark City. . . that's where the bad cats go! Am I dead?" It whimpered.

The golden tom threw his head back in laughter. "Lies! Foolish clan lies that they put into a kit's head. We are good. . . very, very good. . . And dead? Are you dead?"

"No, of course not," a black she-cat said, walking to the side of Blaze. "You're much too young--we've brought you here to. . . help us,"

"With. . . with what?" The little kit asked, fear edging in its voice.

"With the destruction of the City," the she-cat spoke calmly. "Their way of life is wrong! Very, very wrong. Clans and leaders? No! We must take back the City, and live under His protection."

The kit shrunk back in fear. "Wh-what? Destroy the City? No! I can't do that!"

"But think about it," Blaze spoke, a purr rumbling in his blood-stained throat. "They don't care about you,"

"They. . . They do!" The kit protested.

"Did they bother to go find you when the coyotes took you? Send out patrols?" The black she-cat asked.

"Well. . . I don't think so," the kit looked down, its tail dropping to the ground.

"No! They didn't! They abandoned you. They left you to die!" She said with anger rising in her voice.

"I-I didn't know that. . ."

"In fact," Blaze added, "They are happy with you gone! Aren't I correct, Night?"

The she-cat, Night, nodded. "Indeed. . . So come with us, and we can serve Him together. We can live under His reign. We will care for you and take you in as our own. We will destroy the City once and for all!"

"Who?" The kit pondered out loud. "Who is. . . he?"

Night smiled. "Come along," she said, and she and Blaze began to walk away.

"But who is he?" The kit asked, running to keep up with the Dark City warriors.

Night drew in a breath. "We aren't to say his real name,"

"It's against his law," Blaze added, licking his muzzle.

"But. . . I must know!" The kit protested, stopping in its tracks. "I won't come without knowing!"

Night whipped around, with Blaze doing the same. "A protestant one, huh?" She chuckled.

The kit nodded slowly, taking a step back.

Very quietly, almost in a whisper, Night spoke. "It is said that his name is--"


Warriors: Whitekit's Dream [Book One of the Voiceless Series]Where stories live. Discover now