Around and Around (Equius)

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-Ring around the rosie-

"Baby..." he whispered almost as if he spoke too loud that you would break apart. He quickly held you and ran his hand through your matted hair. "Baby, don't close your eyes. They are on their way." He consoled her. He slowly rocked her back and forth, while his blue tears fell down his cheeks. "Help is on the way. Don't leave me." He cried as your eyes started to close again. He freaked out as your breath hitched and you let out your last shaky breath. "Baby...?" He questioned as he gently shook you. But to no avail, your heart had already drifted off. 

-Pockets full of posies-

The tears and blood mixed making a beautiful vibrant purple. It was almost as beautiful as you had been he thought as he watched it mix together. Almost...


He held you tightly to his body staining his shirt in your blood. He cried heavily into your hair and as many different thoughts invaded his head at the same time. One thought, however, stuck there and wouldn't leave. 'Why hadn't he been there to save you? Was he really that weak that he let the only good thing in his life slip through his fingers?'


He had just finished up the last of the errands and was now walking back home. Today he was exceptionally excited. He was finally going to propose to you after so long of you two dating. He thought that nothing could have torn him down. Others could have even said that he walked with a bounce in his step. He joyfully pulled the keys out of his pocket as he neared the door. However, when he went to unlock the door it just slowly creaked open. 

He stepped in the dark corridor and closed the door being him. His smile added as he used the minimal light to take his shoes off by the door and throw the key into the dish on the side table. As he took his first step towards the bedroom in the darkness he stepped into something wet. Quickly he retracted his foot and simultaneously reached for the light switch and flipped it on. 

As the yellow-white flooded the previously dark corridor he noticed the bloodied footprints leading from the bedroom to the front door. He hoped that this was a prank. He hoped that (Y/N) was ok and not hurt.

He cautiously stepped towards the bedroom to see your bloodied body lying almost completely lifeless on the floor. He quickly ran over to you and laid your head on his lap and fished for his phone. He quickly dialed 911 calling for an ambulance. He knew In the back of his mind that they wouldn't arrive there. But he had to at least try for you even if he knew better. He continued to console you until you finally just died in his arms.

For hours after he cried. He felt so lost without you with him. He kept rocking your deceased body back and forth as he cried. Almost like a mother would do with her dead child. He had even passed out that night with you still limp in his arms.  

-We all fall-

He tried to deal with your death. He really did. He picked up your limp body the day after and cleaned the blood off of you and dressed you in a white nightgown. All of your winds were stitched together as he gently placed you in the bed. Covering you with the blanket on the cold nights. and small smile still on your face form the night before. 

Months after he completely severed all connections with family and friends. He spoke to no one and never left the house. He had gotten into robot making but all of them turned out to look like you. He angrily ripped it apart and threw the parts against the walls. He looked at your body in the bed that was steadily decomposing. 

He tiredly leaned down to kiss your forehead one last time. When he raised his body a piece of your skin stuck to his lips. He gently peeled it off and placed it back to the respective place on your forehead. Smiling gently he trudged through the broken robot parts that were scattered across the ground. He grabbed his trusty blade that he kept in the bathroom drawer and again trudged back tot he bed. He sat on the edge and looked at the shiny blade in between his fingers. He took it and placed it to his throat. He paused as he looked around the room once more.

With one quick motion, he quickly pushed the blade into the tender skin and slid it across. Blood immediately spurted out and spilled from the wound onto the bed. He fell back and used the last of his energy to grasp your hand and smile. As he closed his tired eyes he took his last breath and he was gone. Finally, he was put to sleep once and for all.


He slowly raised from the ground rubbing the back of his head. He looked around the green plains only for his eyes to stop on your form. You were beautiful and bore no imperfections. Your skin was flawless, with ratches or scars and you had your warm smile plastered on your face. He slowly walked over to the cliffside where you and placed his hand on your shoulder. However, when he touched you, your skin was ice cold. It was just one of his robots that was made after you. It was there to just haunt him he thought. As he kicked the metal figure off the cliff as a certain small human girl decided to jump on his back wrapping her arms around his neck.

His eyes widened as a small smile appeared on his face, "Hi, baby." She attacked his shoulder and neck with kisses as she nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck.

"It was so lonely here without you, Honey. I am so glad you are finally here with me ." She smiled as she jumped off his back.

They started o their trek back to their house. He listened as she told him stories of the people in this place and everyone here. He listened to her every word but he was mostly happy just due to the fact that he was able to hold her hand and listen to her tender voice the entire walk home. It almost felt like a dream to him. One that he definitely didn't want to wake up from.

He held the door open for her and followed her closely behind. As he shut the door behind her, he looked around to see that the home was just the way it was before she died in his arms. There was no blood in sight and the house smelled just like (Y/N). 

"I cleaned up a bit," she giggled lightly as she noticed his surprised expression, "There is no more blood anywhere to be found." She grabbed Equius's hand and started to the bedroom. he bulked at first but soon gave in and followed her. 

When she opened the door to everything was different. It was cleaned as it had been so long ago. There were no robot parts lying on the ground and no blood anywhere either. The bedding was back to its light grey color. His desk in the corner was polished and organized. (Y/N) smiled as she saw him looking around the room snd turned around to admire her own work. 

He took this as his opportunity and kneeled down behind her clearing his throat before he spoke. "(Y/N), I love you so much and I have for a long time. I have always told you that I will protect you from any trouble. I have always said that I will protect you from any evil and I would give you my life. I am so sorry that I couldn't manage to do what I had promised so many times before. Now in this afterlife, will you be my one and only for now and forever?" 

She turned around slowly and nodded her head as the hot tears pricked the corners of her eyes and her cliched your jaw closed so she wouldn't start crying. She happily observed as he slowly slipped the glittering ring on her shaking hand. When he stood up smiling she ran into his arms hugging him tightly. Finally, she started crying wetting his shirt. He gently rubbed her head and wrapped his other arm around her waist. 

"I love you, " they both whispered in unison staying in the hug for a while. 

------Don't Judge this is my first one and I at least tried. So give me that. Also, thank you all for reading this I'll try to update often------

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