Content (Cronus)

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"(Y/N)!" Mituna yelled excitedly as he ran up to her. "Hi (Y/N)!" He beamed his toothy smile as he hugged her tightly. She affectionately patted his head lightly and smiled to herself.

"Hey, Mituna, did you miss me that much?" She giggled as he releases the tight hug and continued smiling. He was like her little brother after all they have been friends for such a long time. She watched as he jumped up and down in excitement. "What are you thrilled about?" She smiled at him.

"1 G0T 4 M437SPR173." He practically shouted at her. He was bouncing from all the excitement.

"That is incredible, Mituna. I know how much you have wanted one. " She patted the younger trolls head. He giggled and playfully swatted her hand away. As this was happening, a Teal blooded troll wedged herself in between Mituna and (Y/N). She looked (Y/N) up and down and glared at her. (Y/N) blushed in embarrassment showing a pure white to dust over her cheeks making the troll scoff in disgust.

"h3y m1tun4," she spun around to look at the male behind her, "who 1s th1s 4nd why w4z sh3 touch1ng you?" As she finished, she turned back around and glared at (Y/N) through her red-tinted glasses. Her skateboard was gripped tightly in her hand that you could hear the wood start to creak.

"Hello" (Y/N) said as she bowed to the troll attempting to ignore the hostility that had just come from her, "I am (Y/N). It a pleasure to meet you. " She finished saying and turned erect smiling kindly to the troll.

Latula growled at (Y/N) as she stepped threateningly towards her. She began to yell in her face, "1 r34lly don't c4r3 who you 4r3 or wh4t your n4m3 1s. You 4r3 wh1t3-blood3d tr4sh 4nd you should h4v3 d13d 4 long t1m3 4go w1th your f4m1ly. Now, th4t 1 h4v3 z41d th4t,"She grabbed (Y/N)'s shirt and pulled her close, "st4y th3 h3ll 4way from my m4t3spr1t3 or 1 w1ll p3rson4lly cull you. Got m3!" She yelled at (y/N) and threw her body into the dirt.

Latula and Mituna left (Y/N) in the dirt crying and alone. She shakily stood to her feet and began to walk to the dark sidewalk. The sun had just about set, and the temperature started to drop. It normally wouldn't have bothered her, however, when she is distressed her body temperature drops and she becomes extremely susceptible to the cold weather. She wrapped her arms around her bare arms and looked at the ground. She has lived so far from the skate park, and she was mentally cursing herself as she was walking down the desolate sidewalk.

She looked out to the crashing waves at the sea and gently smiled to herself. The tears still filling her eyes. As she wasn't paying attention, she walked into a person. She quickly stepped back.

"I'm sorry," She sobbed, "I didn't mean to run into you." Her body was still shaking as she thought that the person would yell at her as Latula had earlier. The soothing smell of cigarette smoke surrounded her, but she kept her head low as her tears cascaded down her cheek other chin to the sidewalk below her feet.

She watched as a lit cigarette fell to the ground and a foot stepped on it as the person walked towards her. He suddenly enveloped (Y/N) into a tight hug. "Don't cry." His deep voice cooed to her. She cried even harder as her hand tightly gripped his soft t-shirt fabric. His one hand was brushing through her hair as the other was stroking her back. Her thick white tears wetted his shirt, but he didn't mind.

When the tears finally came to a stop, he spoke up again, "Doll, let me take you to my house. It is too cold for you." He turned around to where his back was facing her. "Want a piggyback?" He giggled as she hopped onto his back and started the trek to his house.

The walk to his house was pleasant and all the tears had pretty much dried up. When she shivered, he rubbed his thumbs across the back of both of her hands in an attempt to warm her up slightly. He loved her so much and to see her like this just tore him apart. He had admired her for such a long time but never communicated it to her in fear that she wouldn't feel the same.

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