Chapter 3

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A.P Literature went by so slow partially because I was bored and my mind was polluted with other thoughts. Tess and I are the type of friends who don't have to talk to communicate , we can understand each other with simple eye contact . We gave each other I'm bored as hell looks and rolled our eyes at Mr.Poff's lame jokes. We were so close to passing out until Mr.Poff said something that caught us off guard.

"You guys will be getting into pairs to unscramble the meaning of random Shakespeare poetry verses ,after unscrambling the verses you and your partner will write a paper about the meaning of the verse", he said firmly but excitedly.

"It will be worth 40% of your grade so you better put all your effort in it ", Mr.Poff said this eyeing the whole class down.

After Mr.Poff said that the class erupted in a whale, no one was excited about spending their weekend writing a paper.

Tess and I gave each other looks of interest because without a doubt I would pick Tess as my partner. Until he said...

"I'm bored of the usual pairs so I will match you guys up with different people," he said flickering his fingers together. He closed his eyes and matched people randomly.

He matched mostly everyone until it came down to Tess,me, Jacob, and Ryan.

"Tess and Jacob", he called out.

"...And Fiona and Ryan", he said excitedly.

Those words hung in the air for a while.

"This will be an interesting pair", he said staring us down.

"Get into your pairs and get to know your partner", he said gesturing for the class to get up.

I dreaded this badly. I got the class weirdo Ryan. Ryan was the kid that blurted irrelevant things about life, and that had an old soul. He was the reckless slacker. The depressing kid no one understood, no one wanted to be around him. So why should I?

He slouched to the empty seat next to me with his eyes looking down. His golden hair swayed from left to right while he approached me . Jeeze he needed a serious haircut I thought . He wore a denim jacket over a white t, joggers, a gray beanie, and Nikes. He looked like a typical stoner. I didn't like Ryan the slightest bit ,however I shifted my thoughts from him to the grade that our assignment was going to get. He plopped in the empty seat next to me and looked right into my eyes.

Mr.Poff handed the sheets of paper with the Shakespeare verse we had to unscramble. I picked up our's and it read.

"Better three hours too soon than a minute too late"-William Shakespeare

I shook my head after reading it.

"I'm going to fail on this paper", I said with no hope.

"It's 'we' and no we aren't, you just read it once", Ryan said in an annoyed voice.

That was the first thing he had ever said to me.

"Um do you plan on unscrambling this genius", I fired back. I rolled my eyes and ruffled my fingers through my hair. This was a nervous habit.

" I didn't read it yet Ms.Dramaqueen", he grabbed the paper from me.

He read it and placed his finger under his chin. I glanced around the room and saw other groups already engaging in conversations on what their verse might mean. And we , we were just arguing.

"I think it means don't procrastinate on doing something before it's too late", he said looking at me.

" Yeah like don't forget to get your hair cut before you look like a dog right?", I said sharply.

"Well I also think it means when you don't want to be partnered up with a bitch you ask for a new partner", he said positioning to raise his hand.

"I'm sorry it's just you weren't the ideal partner and I don't want to fail this class", I said apologetically.

"Me neither", he said in an understanding voice.

"So um I think it means doing something when the time is right and not letting something um die", I looked at him for his feedback.

"All of a sudden you're deep", he said smiling at me.

"You don't know me", I said defensively.

"I know you well enough to know that you're just a basic girl with basic dreams", he said smirking and coughing into his hand.
I jabbed him in his rib cage. I gave him a sincere look.

"I think this poem is quite phenomenal", I said mocking a British accent.

Ryan and I laughed so hard that I started coughing.

"Mr.Ryan whoever the hell you think you are I will have you know I am far from basic. I am far", I said recovering from the laugh attack I had.

"How so ?" , he said jokingly.

"I like Starbucks, but I only go every other day", I said noticing the time and grabbing my books to get ready for dismissal.

He gasped and gave me the widest smile. The bell rang and we went our separate ways. My next class was AP world History, and I actually loved this class. Social studies and History were always my strongest subjects.I met Tess on the side of Mr.Poff's door.

"How's the project with Ryan", she said giving me a concerned look.

"Surprisingly he isn't such a slacker after all," I said using a refreshed tone.

"That's funny you just said Ryan wasn't that much of a slacker", she said that pointing out our friends.

"Get over here guys", she said screaming across the hallway.

We saw our friends Olivia , Hannah, Parker, and Sam. Parker took her family name and Sam was short for Samantha.

"Ready to flunk the World History quiz", Parker said.

"Oh my gosh yes he only gave us like two days to study ", Hannah said.

"Whatever guys it's one quiz", I said reassuringly.

"Of course ,you would say that", Olivia blurted.

"Hurry guys we are going to be late!", Tess said.

We ran into class.

Everyone laughed at my comment because they knew I would ace the test with a perfect score. I was that girl. But while taking the quiz and the rest of the day. All I could think about was Ryan's words.

"You're just a basic girl with basic dreams".

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