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'Now, let's get these rules out of the way. Only I asks truth or dare. All phones in the box. Also, if you fail to not do your dare or truth. You will be put under .... Circumstances.'

'Excuse me Tom.' Said Terry. 'But what are the circumstances'

'You won't need to know unless you fail.'

Terry nods and looks away.

'Now.' Tom continued. 'The questions will go harder at each one. Oh and for the truth. Answer truthfully , or else. Because I'll know if you lie. Now let's crack on.'

'Come on Tom. We're getting bored.' Sarah said in a moody temper.

'Fine then, Sarah, truth or dare.'

'Dare idiot.'

'I dare you to kiss Jarvis.'

'What! No! That hoe ain't kissing my boyfriend.' Emily shouted from across the Table.

Sarah smirked and walked over to Jarvis. She nudged me out the way, sat on his lap and started making out with him. To everyone's surprise, Jarvis didn't pull away. When they did, they were both smiling.

'Jarvis why?' Emily started to let tears roll down her face.

'Babe, it's a game it don't mean nothing.'

'Very good Sarah. Now who else. David. Truth or dare.'

'Ummm, truth?'

'Ok. Is it true you killed your mum.' Jess and I gasped and everyone was staring at him.

'No! Why ever would I.'

'Your sure David. Your not lieing are you?'



'Yes I'm sure.... I didn't kill my mum.'


A butler walked through the door and locked the door. He walked up to David and put a gun against his head.

'David, did you kill your mother.'


And with that, Barry pulled the trigger.

All I remebered was guts everywhere. Liam was shouting and Jess was crying.

'Tom!' I shouted. 'You psycho ! He didn't kill his mum!'

'Silly Scarlett. You didn't know. His mum didn't die from cancer. They had a fight and he pushed her into the fire. It was an accident he told me when i found out. That's how I know he was lieing.'

'Ugh I'm leaving!'

'Scarlett, you can't do that.'

'Why ever not ?!'

'Because it's your turn.'

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