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'Shit Liam! I thought you were Tom!' I tried to whisper as quietly as possible.

'Listen, can I get In with you? I cant find anywhere else to hide.'

Just then we hear Tom again. 'Now, where is my first victim. Where is my first victim.'

I sigh. 'Get in then!'

Before I know it, I'm squished in a cupboard with Liam, our faces inches apart.

'Tom's a fuckin psyco. Isnt he?'

I smirk. 'He's worse than that! David and Terry are dead. Its me, you, jess, sarah, Jarvis and Emily left. God  I don't think I can take it anymore.'

Just then liam grabs my hand and squeezes it tight.

'Listen, you have to tell yourself that your gonna get out of here. Because you are. Understand?'

I nod and smile at him before smirking again.

'Whats that for?' Liam asks puzzled.

'Nothing. I think that's the first time I've smiled all night.'

And before I know it, both of us are leaning in unexpectedly. Its weird, because neither one have us has barely spoken to one of us ever. But somehow being locked in a crazy person's house has made me remember this massive crush I had on Liam years ago. But maybe it never went away.

Okay, now that was too far. That was definitely out of some sort of romantic movie.

However, before we can actually kiss, the cupboard doors swing open to find a grinning tom, a bloody knife in one hand.

'Playing another game are we? 12 minutes in heaven... cupboard style.'

I can feel liam tense up. 'Come on then, get it over with.'

Tom smirks before swinging the knife at Liam. 'NOO!' I shriek but realise Tom has stopped.

He starts to burst out in laughter. 'I'm not going to kill you! I'm hear to round you up!'

We both walk in nervously after tom, back into the dining room. We nervously sit back down in our sheets, fear on everyone's face.

'And the Squad is back together!' Tom starts clapping but the slows down after looking at us.

'WHY ARENT YOU CLAPPING?' Tom suddenly shouts before shocking us and causes everyone to clap except me.

I'm too busy glancing around the room before my eyes freeze on an empty chair.

A chair, where someone, someone who was alive before hide and seek, was meant to be sitting.

'What's wrong Scarlett? You look like you've seen a ghost.' His voice had gone really low and I could tell he was staring at me from the Goosebumps I was getting.

'W-Where's Emily?' I shuddered at the absence of a fellow 'Player' of our game.

'Like I said, the first one to be found, dies.' He sniggered. 'But who hides behind a door nowadays anyway!'

'What!' Calls Jarvis. 'He puts his hands to his face. I can hear him whispering things like 'I'm sorry Emily' and 'Why did it have to end like this' Sometimes even... 'I love you'

But then, Tom clicks fingers and butlers come rushing in with food that makes our stomachs rumble.

'Dinner time.' He said this in a really sinister way. As if, it wasn't dinner time. But play time. He was our master, and we were the puppets.

As we silently eat food, that I must admit, was somehow divine, I feel a nudge on my arm. I look to see jess, her plate empty but her looking deeply at sarah across the table. I follow her glance and see sarah smirking at Tom.

'Woah.' I exclaim. I look back at jess and she hasn't moved an inch since she nudged me.

'Someone here is cheating.' She makes eye contact with me but I cant help but give a puzzled look.

'Jess, you okay?'

'I'm being serious. Sarah is cheating.'

'And.. What makes you say that?'

'When we were playing hide and seek, me, Emily and Sarah were hiding in the same room. Tom opened the closet door and found Sarah first. She literally limbed out, gave tom a kiss and whispered: 'Emily's behind the door' and left the room.

Then next thing I know tom looked behind the doo an-'

I put my hand on her shoulder. 'Its okay. I've seen people die in this room. We all have.'

'Its not that. Sarah Killed Emily. She told him where she was. She would be alive right now.'

'Jess, you couldn't of done anything about it.'

'I know I couldn't.....'

I go to give jess a hug but she puts her hand in the way and stands up.

She looks straight at Sarah, not leaving eye contact with her.

'But I can do something about it now.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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