21 2 2

'Tom please , let's just all go home.'

'Truth or dare Scarlett.'

'Please no.'

'Truth or dare Scarlett.'

'Stop it!'

'One last time Scarlett.' One of the butlers walk round and out a gun to my head. 'Truth or dare Scarlett?'

'You make me sick. URGH dare.'

'I like your thinking.'

'What I'm thinking is shoving a knife up your arse.'

One of the butlers spin me around and slap me in my face. They spin me back round so I'm facing the table again.

'I dare you.' Tom pauses for a minute then laughs. 'I dare you, to scarp the razor across Jess's face.'

'What? No you sicko.'

The butler comes and places the razor in my hand. He then sets a timer for 1 minute.

'So Scarlett, what's it going to be. Razor of Jess's face, or get yourself killed?'

'You do know your going to fit in hell for this?' Liam's shouted right in toms face.

'No Liam. I'm not. But you are.'

He clicks his fingers and butler slowly makes him not able to breathe.

'Let's spice things up a bit. Scarlett, until you razor Jess's face off, Liam can't breathe.'

'Scarlett, just do it.' I see her hand hold on tightly to the table. She picks my hand up on puts it on her cheek. 'Please Scarlett Liam's going to die.'

I look over at Liam, gasping for breathe. After a few seconds, I squeeze my eyes shut. Then I slowly press down on the razor and move it across Jess's cheek. I heard screaming and Jess crying at the same time.

'Well done Scarlett. I'm so , so impressed.'

When I open my eyes, I see Jess with their hand on her cheek. I ask her to remove it but when she does I regret it. What I see is her cheek ripped of and blood oozing out.

'Now who next.'

Toms glance goes around the table with everyone trying to avoid it.

'Aha, Emily. Truth or dare.'

'Truth. Surely no one will get hurt.'

'Ok Emily, is it true you made out with terry and had sex last month on the bonfire party?'

Jarvis stood up in anger.

'What the actual fuck Emily! You told me you wouldn't invite that dick. And then you go and have sex with him. You fucking whore.'

'Language Jarvis! I I'm sorry I did it please, I was drunk.'

'Oh so you've been drunk this whole time so you can't tell me.'

'Jarvis cmon man!'

'You. Terry. Get out of this or maybe your looking to shove you dick up Emily again.'

'Man come on it was a mistake.'

'Fuck you terry and fuck you Emily. Alright. That's it.'

'Hey Jarvis.' Tom whispered. 'Maybe you should take your anger out.'
With that Tom slid a gun across the table. Jarvis picked it up.

You could see Jarvis was hurt. That he was upset.

'Come on Jarvis. No one needs to get hurt.'

'Shut the fuck up terry. SHUT THE FUCK UP.'

And with that a bullet was shot and the next thing I knew, someone was dead.


Hey guys, chapter dedicated to mariangel4372 ❤️ My Watpad acquaintance !

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