Chapter 2

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*Lynn POV*

I walked into English 9 and took the first open seat. Alexa had turned around and walked away as we got to the door.
I pulled out my notebook and began doodling around on some open spaces, with what just happened in hall still roaring through my head. Alexa was amazingly beautiful and I could not for the life of me get her out of my head.
The class went by fast, I was still trapped in my own little world when the bell rang. I gathered my things and started to rush out the door when I heard a familiar voice.
I flipped around to see Alexa standing against the wall right outside the English 9 room. "I decided to comeback and help you find your next class. I feel super bad about what happened and wanted to make it up to you. " I felt my cheeks get hot. Oh lord this is embarrassing. I managed to spit out something like a " thank you " and started walking beside her.
"So you don't talk much. What's your name?"
"Oh uh my names Lyndsey, but most people just call me Lynn"
"Well its really nice to meet you Lynn."
I have to admit I was super nervous around her. I didn't want to say the wrong wrong thing to scare her off. She was so pretty and nice and ugh I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about her. My thoughts were interrupted by her hand my shoulder, pulling me to a stop. Her touch sent shivers through my body.
"I believe this is it. World History right?"
I was so distracted by her soft touch I didn't even know she was talking. She noticed her hand still on my shoulder and slowly removed it. It was then that I realized she was talking.
"Oh yeah haha sorry I was just spacing out you know"
"Oh okay haha, well this is it. I'll catch you later. Maybe we can sit together at lunch?"
"I would very much like that. Haha thank you for being so nice"
"It's no problem"
And then she was gone. And I was stuck with my thoughts in another boring class. But I did have something to look forward to, lunch with Alexa.
I entered the class and began doodling yet again while the teacher droned on and all I could think about was Alexa.

frens its Mt second update and yeah I don't know how much I'll update but hopefully daily :) hope u guys enjoyed it. Adios. *

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