Chapter 5

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*Lynn POV*

We got in the car and pulled out of the school parking lot. The radio was playing today's hits. We turned the wrong way though?
"Uh Alexa?"
"I'm pretty sure this isn't the way to my house...."
"You worry to much, relax its a short cut"
"But you don't even know where I live??"
"Haha I know"
I just decided not to say anything after that and enjoy the view. And by the view I defiantly meant Alexa. I think she knew I was staring at her because she began to smile. I quickly looked away and out the window.
We pulled into a little coffee shop. Alexa parked the car and got out, walked around the car, and opened up the door for me. I blushed a little.
I muttered out a quick "Thanks"and we walked inside.
Alexa and I sat down at a table next to the window. It was beginning to rain a little.
"I've always liked the rain" Alexa said breaking the silence.
"You wanna know why I like the rain?" She seemed really confused when I asked. But I actually wanted to know. I wanted to know everything about her.
"Yeah I do" I replied
"Well...alright then. I like it because it soothing for me. The day is darker then normal. I find it relaxing but exciting at the same time you know?"
"Yeah haha I know"
That was the most I'd heard her talk. Like ever before. We continued to talk, and talk, and talk. I looked at my phone to find that it was almost eight. I shot a glance outside and saw complete darkness. Shit I was gonna be late and my mom was going to flip.
"Alexa I hate to ruin this but I have to get home" she looked sad but understanding at the same time.
"Sure, let's get you home"
The ride back to my house was long considering we drove to the otherwise of town.
Alexa slowed as she put in a cd , stopping the today's hits. The music started to play and the car was filled with a beautiful voice followed with a perfect combination of drums and guitar. I have never heard this band before.
"Who is this?"
"Your not gonna believe me if I told you" she said jokingly
"Oh cmon yes I will tell me!!" I begged
"The band name is called Love,Robot"
"Why wouldn't I believe you?"
"Because the lead singers name is Alexa San Roman"
It took me a minuet to comprehend what she said.
"Oh my god!!! This is you?? Alexa your so good!!"
She humbly smiled
"Thank you Lynn, it means a lot"
And we had just pulled into my driveway ending our conversation.
"Well this is it haha" Alexa looked disappointed our night was over but I had to leave.
"Here Alexa, let me see your phone "
She handed me her phone and I put my number into it. "There, now we can still talk."
"Sweet, I'll text you later. Have a good night Lynn"
I leaned over and kissed her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled in closer.
She was the first one to pull away this time. "Lynn, your gonna be even more late haha I'll text you okay? I promise"
I sighed "okay I'll see you later then"
I opened the door and walked up to my house, stepped in, and smiled so hard. I've never been so happy in my life.

*I tried making this update longer I'm sorry its short okay I try. Hope u guys enjoyed it*

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