Chapter 3

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*Lynn POV*

The bell rang and I walked to my last two classes before lunch, without Alexa. I had just met her and yet, I couldn't get her out of my head. I sat through what seemed like hours of class when finally the bell rang to lunch. I scrambled to get my things. I walked out the door, and there she was. Leaning against the wall with her eyes on the ground.
"Hey" I quietly whispered.
"Oh hey the bell rang haha I didn't hear it"
We started walking down the hall to the lunch room. I felt almost nervous walking so close to her, but at the same time I enjoyed being this close together.
"Here we are, the lunch room" Alexa said with a smile. This place was huge and I, being my introverted self, was terrified by this amount of people I didn't know.
We got our lunch and sat down off to the side. I kept my eyes on the table, it felt like someone was watching me but I was afraid to look up. This was when I realized Alexa was really quiet. I looked up and found the reason why. Alexa wasn't eating, or talking to anyone, but actually watching me. Her beautiful eyes were focused on me.
I met her gaze and held it for about a minuet. She smiled and looked down. What just happened?!? I felt my cheeks get hot as I looked down again. Neither one of us spoke anymore. Instead we just watched. Our stares were interrupted by the bell. And just like that Alexa got up and grabbed my arm.
She was pulling quite hard. Dragging me along, I had no clue where to but as long as I was with her I didn't care. She swung open the girls bathroom door, and pulled me into it. She quickly closed it and locked it just as fast. And with that we were alone. I heard the final bell ring as she walked closer to me, causing my back to hit the wall. She grabbed my face in her hands ever so carefully, and pulled me in for a kiss.

*Cliff hangers are great am I right lmao. Hope u guys enjoyed the update*

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