2 - Hello?

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The first thing I saw as my eyes fluttered open, was a all to familiar, star painted ceiling. What?

I sat up and saw the glass of water and plate of pancakes next to my bed. My stomach growled at the aroma. It's been months since I've had a real meal, I had been living of food I've salvaged from gas stations and restraunts since the beginning, so naturally the pancakes and water didn't last long.

It didn't dawn on me till I licked the plate clean, that I was in my bedroom, in my house. The last thing I remember was passing out in the drive way, Otis must of carried me to my room.

With the sudden promise of seeing my family in mind. I jumped up only to find I still had on my torn black dress. Quickly I changed into some new undies, Nike sweats and a sports bra.

You could probably hear each thundering step I took down the old stairs, alerting anyone in the house that she was up.

When I got to the kitchen entrance was the amount of people , all of them which were looking at me.


"Beth!". She said dropping the spatula she was holding and envelopes me in a breath taking, bone crushing hug. Maggie.

I laughed with pure joy, and hugged her back with the same enthusiasm. Tears were streaming down my face, and by the sound of her sniffles, I could tell they were streaming down hers to.

Pulling back I whipped my tears, acting as if the never appeared. I hated crying, especially with an audience. I looked at the people, who were all staring at me and Maggie with happiness for our reunion. Then they looked at me with surprise, and honestly I couldn't blame them.

I had never fit into the "Greene" category. My body was tiny, fit, with small but perfect curves, almost like how I imagine a fairies would be. My stomach, chest, and back, were all decorated with tattoos, along with a secret one on my right butt cheek. My belly button was pierced along with my  ten different ear piercings. My cheek bones were high, and my eyes were a vibrant blue. My plump lips were always set in a pout. Platinum almost white wavy hair framed my face, and almost touched my butt. I knew I was astonishingly beautiful, I wasn't blind but I knew the real reason they were staring was because of the zombie like bit, just above my left hip. The one that had healed months ago.

Vote to make me smile ;)

Da da da!!! Didn't see that one coming did you?

I know I changed Beth looks a little but since her personality has kinda changed I thought her looks should match.

Live long and prosper losers
(Meant in the nicest way)

In memory of the party girl Where stories live. Discover now