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Chaos erupted.

Some reached for there weapons only to find they had none, others grabbed kitchen knives, forks, and even a tray full of sausages. Maggie was all screaming at them to stop, to put the weapons down, threatening to kick them all off the farm. It wasn't till one blonde girl stepped for  with a butcher knife in hand did I come to my senses.

I ran.

I ran up the stairs as fast as my feet could carry me. Entering my parents room and slamming the door behind me as they thundered up the stairs behind me. I pressed my whole weight against the door as I looked for an escape route. The closet? No. Under the bed? No.

The window?

Yes. Launching myself across the room and out the already opened window, closing it as I stepped onto the window box. I grabbed the roofs edge above me, and used all my strength to pull myself up onto it.

This had always been my haven as a kid. I use to bring our dolls and maggie would make a picnic, and we'd waste away the whole afternoon just laughing. Daddy put a stop to it when he found out, "You'll fall of the roof," he told us. We still continued to sneak out though.

The creaking of a door brought me out of my thoughts, heavy footsteps entered the room, much to my sisters displeasure.  "All clear!" He shouted.

They all gathered outside, in front of the house. Were I was completely  visible. I heard snipets of the conversation they were having like, scar, healed, immune, impossible.

"It is actually!" I shouted at them, causing them to all look up at me in shock and surprise.

A man started to speak but another man cut him off.

"And how is that possible?", he shouted up at me. Good question.

"I'm not entirely sure myself but I do have a theory that I'll explain to you, if you allow me to come down and promise not to kill me."

He nodded and the man that he cut off erupted in anger. "ARE YOU SERIOUS RICK! She could be dangerous! Are you really going to risk lives for this!"

"Shane, she just a little girl,"


" Shes just a lady," he corrected.

"Lady, my ass," I huffed with my arms crossed. Apparently they heard me because a few snickered, and Rick smiled.

Hoping that they wouldn't attack me, I climbed down onto the porches pillar, and hopped into my mothers lily bush. She's gonna kill me for that.

Cautiously walking towards them, I started talking.

"It's my blood, I think. I was born with a very rare blood type that's only one out of every million people are born with. Blood type C negative, it's called. The doctor explained to me that it'll fight off any decease, infection, or sickness that'll try to make its way into my body. I guess that includes a zombie virus."  They all stared in awe and hope after my little speech.

Only my growling stomach had to ruin the moment.

My sister shook her head, motioning with her hands towards the door. "Come on, we were just about to eat lunch before you woke up."

Everyone started walking back inside, joking, talking and laughing in there way.

In memory of the party girl Where stories live. Discover now