Part 6

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Amarendra's face remained neutral with Amardad's confession. A small downward tug pulled at his mouth and his nose crunched slightly. It was impossible to see any emotion in the prince... unless one looked at his eyes. Amarendra's eyes were glossed with tears that refused to flow. They turned from dove white to the color of roses. His eyes were the definition of sorrow, something that would make the word "sadness" cry itself.

"I have forgiven you. You may leave."

"You do not understand the sin I cannot confess." Amardad cried

"You have confessed and I have forgiven you."

"Your majesty I..."

"I said you may leave!"

Amardad Banu left with a face marked with dried tears.

Amarendra stroked Amrutha's hair silently. Amardad Banu had given Amrutha medicine which seemed to improve her mental condition. Amrutha was asleep, blissfully unaware of her state. Oblivious of the fact that she could no longer play with her prince like she had done for her entire life.

-The next morning-

"Amardad Banu how is Amrutha?"

"With the one exception of her condition, she is healthy. She is free to leave the hospital in the morning for 3 hours at a time. You may see her."

"Amrutha..." Amarendra called out hesitantly.

To his voice a pair of eyelids slowly opened and Amarendra found himself staring directly into two beautiful dark brown jewels.

"How are you?"

"I am fine. Why have you come?"

"You are precious to me. Why would I not."

"Really? I am still precious now? Am I still precious now that I am worthless? Now that I am crippled! What can I possibly do now my prince!."

"Amrutha?! Do you understand what you are saying? Have I loved you for your feet? No. I have loved you for you. I cannot comprehend your stubbornness! Do you not get it?"

"I cannot read. Nor can I write. Now I cannot move. What can I do but sit around here and perhaps entertain you for a few minutes. The only slightly useful action I can do is talk."

"...and your words are gold."

"Stop. If you want me to feel better at least teach me how to move from one place to another."

"I promise I will."

"Ha, you promise? What promise is this? Do you think you are so great that you can control nature itself? You cannot make an elephant fly nor can you grant me the freedom to move."

Amarendra looked quietly into Amrutha's eyes. "I do not promise that you will walk like how you used to. However, I can promise you that you will be able to move. You will probably walk with a limp and may need to crawl, but you will still be able to move. Is that enough for you?"

"That is more than enough for me." Amrutha answered as her eyes shined with gratitude. "I am sorry for all I have said. I did not mean it. I was blinded by pain."

"...and I am sorry for failing to understand."

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