Chapter 11

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January 12th

The next morning when I woke up, I checked my phone. It was a text from Trevor's mom saying that she was going to stop at the hospital in the afternoon. I didn't respond to her because I figured I'd see her later anyway.

I rolled over to see Trevor still sleeping. I kissed him on the cheek and he woke up with a smile.

"Why hello my princess," he said with his eyes still closed.

"Hello to you too my prince," I said smiling and kissing him again.

"How long have I kept my beautiful lady in waiting?" he said finally opening his eyes.

"Just about 5 minutes or so. Your mom texted me last night and I didn't see it until this morning. She's stopping by today to come see you."

"Arggg," he says shoving his face in a pillow.

"What?" I asked, grabbing the pillow off of his face.

"We have to get dressed," he moans.

"Cry about it later. We'll have plenty of other days to sleep in late," I tell him as I get up and grab my clothes.

"But I wanna spend time with you. Alone, if you know what I mean," he says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Trevor," I say trying to be serious, but end up laughing anyway.

"Yes, my princess?" he says as he walks up behind me and grabs my waist.

"Trevor, we have to get ready.." I say turning around.

"But," he said using his pouty lip.

"No buts Trevor."

"Awhh, that's too bad."

"Go get dressed now," I said pushing him away.

"Give me a kiss first," he said winking at me.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a kiss. We got dressed just in time before his mom got to the hospital. She brought Karla, Trevor's sister, and Brody, Trevor's brother's son.

"Hey, we brought you guys food," Karla says as she sets the McDonald's bag on the little table by the door.

"Twevoww!!" Brody yells and wiggles his way out of Jody's arms to Trevor.

"Brody!" Trevor semi-yells in excitement to see his nephew.

We sit around talking meaninglessly for awhile. It was nice. His family isn't as crazy as mine. My family is all rowdy and annoying, especially if the drink.

"I have some news. Well, Mark and I have some news, but Mark had to work today," Karla says with a smile on her face.

"We're waiting!" Trevor yells.

"I'm pregnant!" Karla says with excitement.

"We never discussed this," Trevor says sarcastically.

"Trevor, be nice," I tell him.

"Fine, YAY! I'm going to be an uncle again!" he says with honest, pure excitement.

After about an hour, they left. Trevor was really happy that he was going to be an uncle again. We forgot about the food that Jody, Karla, and Brody brought. We heated it up and ate it all. We were starving. After we were done eating, I left to go home and get clean clothes.

"Hey mom," I said as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cookie.

"Hey, sweetie. How's Trevor doing?" she asked as she pulled out a fresh batch of cookies.

"He's doing really good. He should be out of there soon."

"That's good. Are you going back there?"

"Yeah, I just came home to grab some clothes, and now some cookies," I say as I grab out a zip lock bag to put some cookies in.

"Be my guest. No one else is going to eat them."

"Alright. Bye mom," I say as I shove the baggie into my duffle and give her a hug.

"Bye sweetie, drive safe!" she yelled as I walked out of the door.

When I got back to the hospital, Trevor was taking a nap. I went into the bathroom and decided that I need a shower. Greasy hair is probably not the best look on me.

When I got out of the shower, I heard people talking outside. It sounded like the doctor was in the room. I decided to take a little bit longer to get dried off and dressed. I didn't want to walk out there in the middle of their talking. Once I heard no more talking and the door shut, I left the bathroom.

"I was wondering who was in the bathroom," Trevor said sarcastically.

"Haha, very funny," I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Guess what?" he said getting up off of the bed.

"Hmm?" I say as I'm digging through my bag to find the cookies I grabbed.

"I get out tomorrow," he says.

"Oh my god! That's great Trevor! I'm so happy!" I yell in excitement, giving him a hug.

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